
English Chinese (Traditional)
The mathematical definition of this measurand. Allowed are all combinations of operators and operands listed below following the rules of mathematics. Use round and square brackets to signify complex terms and the order of operations. 此 measurand 的數學定義。允許遵循數學規則的下面列出的運算元和操作數的所有組合。使用圓括弧和方括弧表示複雜術語和操作順序。
Operators & Operands 運算子和操作數
Click on one of the listed operators or operand to append them to your calucalion formula. The tooltip will show you additional information like description, return value, arguments and usage. 按兩下列出的運算子或操作數之一,將它們附加到您的計算公式中。工具提示將向您顯示其他資訊,如描述、返回值、參數和用法。
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Measurands. Notice: If there are no other Measurands left after this process, the Report Template will be locked automatically. 點擊 『Continue』 刪除以下被測變數。 注意: 如果此過程後沒有其他被測變數,報告範本將自動鎖定。
List of selected measurands: 選定的被測變數清單:
Measurand: %s 被測值:%s
You must select at least one measurand. 必須至少選擇一個 measurand。
Cancel 取消
Continue 繼續
Delete Template Measurands 刪除範本 Measurands
New Report 新的報表
There are no unlocked and enabled report templates available (%s locked or disabled). 沒有可用的解鎖和啟用的報表範本(%s鎖定或禁用)。
Create a new report 創建新報表
Choose a template this report should depend on. 選擇此報表應依賴的範本。
Report Filters 報告篩選
Period %s From - To 期間 %s 從 - 到
Last Run %s 上次執行%s
Runtime [s] 執行時間 [s]
Scheduled 已排程
Data Items 數據項
N/A 不适用
Add sources 添加源
Edit sources 編輯源
Select %s 選擇 %s
Report has been locked 報告已被鎖定
No reports 報告
Not Authorized 授權的
Add Data Items 添加數據項
Report Configuration (%s) %s 報表設定 (%s) %s
Action 動作


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 weeks ago
Source string age
2 weeks ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 390