
English Chinese (Traditional)
Locked 已上鎖
The status "locked" avoids any kind of modification to your report template as well as assigned measurands and variable definitions 狀態 「locked」 可避免對報告範本以及分配的被測變數和變數定義進行任何形式的修改
Additional Pre-filter 附加預篩檢程式
Optional: The syntax to filter the available list of data items by their description. Use SQL wildcards like % and/or _. No regular Expressions! 可選取:用於按資料項的描述篩選可用資料項清單的語法。使用 SQL 通配符,如 % and/或 _。沒有正則表達式!
Export Path 匯出路徑
Optional: The path to an folder for saving the exports. If it does not exist ReportIt automatically tries to create it during the first scheduled calculation, else it will try to create a new subfolder within the main export folder using the template id. 可選取:用於儲存匯出的資料夾的路徑。 如果不存在,ReportIt 會自動嘗試在第一次計劃計算期間創建它,否則它將嘗試使用範本 ID 在主導出資料夾中創建新的子資料夾。
Data Template 數據模板
The name of the data template this Report Template depends on. 此報告範本所依賴的數據範本的名稱。
Report Template 報告範本
Choose one of your Report Templates to export to XML. 選擇要匯出為 XML 的報告範本之一。
[Optional] Description [可選]描述
Describe the characteristics of your report template 描述報告範本的特徵
[Optional] Author [可選]作者
Add your name or nick here. 在此處添加您的姓名或暱稱。
[Optional] Version [可選]版本
[Optional] Contact [可選]聯繫
Bar (vertical) 條形圖(垂直)
Bar (horizontal) 條形圖(水準)
Line 線條
Area 區域
Pie chart 3D 3D 餅圖
Spider 蜘蛛
f_mode - Mode f_mode - 模式
Returns the value that appears most often per DS 返回每個 DS 最常出現的值
Left (Opening) parenthesis 左 (左) 括弧
Right (Closing) parenthesis 右 (右) 括弧
Left (Opening) Square Bracket 左(左)方括弧
Right (Closing) Square Bracket 右(右)方括弧
Contains the maximum bandwidth if 'ifspeed' is available. 如果 'ifspeed' 可用,則包含最大頻寬。
Contains the maximum value that has been defined for the specific data source item under \"Data Sources\". 包含已為「Data Sources\」下的特定數據源項定義的最大值。
Contains the number of NAN's during the reporting period. 包含報告期間的 NAN 數量。


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 209