
English Chinese (Traditional)
Add Data Items 添加數據項
Report Configuration (%s) %s 報表設定 (%s) %s
Action 動作
No recipients found 未找到收件者
Email address of a recipient (or comma separated list) 收件者的電子郵件地址(或逗號分隔的清單)
[OPTIONAL] Name of a recipient (or comma separated list of names) [可選]收件者的姓名(或逗號分隔的姓名清單)
Click 'Continue' to Run the following Report: 按兩下 'Continue' 以執行以下報告:
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Reports: 按兩下「繼續」以刪除以下報告:
Click 'Continue' to duplicate the following Report configurations. You may also change the title format during this operation. 按兩下 'Continue' 以複製以下報表配置。 您還可以在此操作期間更改標題格式。
Title Format: 標題格式:
<report_title> (1) <report_title> (1)
You must select at least one unlocked, not running, report. 您必須至少選擇一個未鎖定、未運行的報表。
Data Items [Report: %s %s [%d] 數據項 [報表:%s %s [%d]
Subhead 子標題
Shifttime (From - To) Shifttime (從 - 到)
Weekdays (From - To) 工作日(從 - 到)
RRDs 選擇RRD是存儲在本地還是由外部RRDtool代理服務器處理。
Does not exist anymore 不再存在
Select 選擇
No data items found 未找到數據項
Data Item [edit: %s] 資料項目 [編輯: %s]
Select the time zone your following shifttime information will be based on. 選擇您的後續shifttime資訊所基於的時區。
Click 'Continue' to Remove the following Data Items. 按兩下 'Continue' 以刪除以下資料項。
List of selected data items: 選取資料項目清單:
&#160 |_Data Item : %s<br> &#160 |_Data 專案 : %s<br>
Click 'Continue' to Copy the Settings to the other Data Items 按兩下 'Continue' 將設置複製到其他資料項
Selected data item as reference: 作為參考的選定資料項:
Time Zone: 時區:
Weekdays: 平日:
Shifttime: 班次時間:
You must select at least one Report. 您必須至少選擇一個 Report。


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 weeks ago
Source string age
2 weeks ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 418