
English Chinese (Traditional)
Change Monitoring Options 更改監控選項
Enable Monitoring 啟用監控
Disable Monitoring 禁用監控
Indefinitely 無限期地
%d Month %d月
%d Months %d個月
%d Year %d年
Normal User 普通用戶
Monitor Settings 監控設置
Alarm Sound 鬧鈴聲
This is the sound file that will be played when a Device goes down. 這是設備發生故障時播放的聲音文件。
Loop Alarm Sound 鬧鈴聲
Play the above sound on a loop when a Device goes down. 這是設備發生故障時播放的聲音文件。
Show Icon Legend 顯示圖標圖例
Check this to show an icon legend on the Monitor display 選中此選項可在監視器顯示屏上顯示圖標圖例
Show Uptime 顯示正常運行時間
Check this to show Uptime on the Monitor display 選中此選項可在監視器顯示屏上顯示圖標圖例
Zoom to Errors 放大到錯誤
Check this to zoom to errored items on the Monitor display 選中此選項可在監視器顯示屏上顯示圖標圖例
Zoom Background 縮放背景
Background Color for Zoomed Errors on the Monitor display 監視器顯示屏上縮放錯誤的背景顏色
Zoom Fontsize 縮放字體
Monitor 監控
Enable on new devices 在新設備上啟用
Check this to automatically enable monitoring when creating new devices 選中此選項可在創建新設備時自動啟用監控
Notification/Reboot Log Retention 通知/重新啟動日誌保留
Keep Notification and Reboot Logs for this number of days. 保持通知並重新啟動日誌這幾天。
Refresh Interval 刷新間隔
This is the time in seconds before the page refreshes. (1 - 300) 這是頁面刷新前的秒數。 (1 - 300)
This is how monitor will Group Devices. 這就是監視器組設備的方式。
Default with permissions 默認有權限


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 171