
English Chinese (Traditional)
How often do you want to scan the DNS/DHCP/Address Lists? 您希望多久掃描一次設備處理器統計信息?
MikroTik Queue/Tree Collection Frequencies MikroTik隊列/樹收集頻率
Simple Queue/PPPoe Frequency 簡單隊列/ PPPoe頻率
How often do you want to scan Simple Queue Statistics? Select <b>Disabled</b> to remove this feature. 您希望多久掃描一次簡單隊列統計信息?選擇<b>已禁用</b>以刪除此功能。
Queue Trees Frequency 隊列樹頻率
How often do you want to scan the Queue Trees? Select <b>Disabled</b> to remove this feature. 您經常需要掃描隊列樹嗎?選擇<b>已禁用</b>以刪除此功能。
MikroTik Wireless Collection Frequencies MikroTik無線收集頻率
Wireless HotSpot Users Frequency 無線HotSpot用戶頻率
How often do you want to scan Wireless User Statistics? Select <b>Disabled</b> to remove this feature. 您希望多久掃描一次無線用戶統計信息?選擇<b>已禁用</b>以刪除此功能。
Wireless Access Point Frequency 無線接入點頻率
How often do you want to scan the Wireless Access Points? Select <b>Disabled</b> to remove this feature. 您希望多久掃描一次無線接入點?選擇<b>已禁用</b>以刪除此功能。
Wireless Registrations Frequency 無線註冊頻率
How often do you want to scan the Wireless Registrations? Select <b>Disabled</b> to remove this feature. 您希望多久掃描一次無線註冊?選擇<b>已禁用</b>以刪除此功能。
Wireless Stations Frequency 無線電台頻率
How often do you want to scan the Wireless Stations? Select <b>Disabled</b> to remove this feature. 您希望多久掃描一次無線電台?選擇<b>已禁用</b>以刪除此功能。
Management 管理
Normal User 普通用戶
General Administration 總務局
%d Minute %d 分鐘
Indefinite 未定
%d Week %d週
%d Weeks %d週
%d Months %d個月
%d Year %d年
Simple Queues 簡單的隊列
Storage 儲存空間
(edit) (編輯)
Graphs Skipped by Rule, or Not Created 按規則跳過或未創建的圖形
MikroTik Credentials MikroTik證書
Read Only User 只讀用戶
Provide a read only username for the MikroTik. 為MikroTik提供只讀用戶名。
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/mikrotik
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
Propagated Translated Cacti/maint
Propagated Translated Cacti/mactrack
Propagated Translated Cacti/reportit
Propagated Translated Cacti/core
Propagated Translated Cacti/webseer
Propagated Translated Cacti/hmib
Propagated Translated Cacti/servcheck
Propagated Translated Cacti/thold


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 220