
English Chinese (Traditional)
- Redundant information indicating the intended device type. See below for valid values. - 指示預期設備類型的冗餘信息。請參閱下面的有效值。
- Id of a set of SNMP options - 一組SNMP選項的ID
- The current snmp read string for the device - 設備的當前snmp讀取字符串
- The snmp version you wish to scan this device with. Valid values are 1, 2 and 3 - 您希望掃描此設備的snmp版本。有效值為1,2和3
- The UDP port that the snmp agent is running on - 運行snmp代理的UDP端口
- The timeout in milliseconds to wait for an snmp response before trying again - 再次嘗試之前等待snmp響應的超時(以毫秒為單位)
- The number of times to retry a snmp request before giving up - 放棄之前重試snmp請求的次數
- Specified the number of OID's that can be obtained in a single SNMP Get request - 指定可在單個SNMP Get請求中獲取的OID數
- SNMP V3: SNMP username - SNMP V3:SNMP用戶名
- SNMP V3: SNMP password - SNMP V3:SNMP密碼
- SNMP V3: SNMP authentication protocol - SNMP V3:SNMP身份驗證協議
- SNMP V3: SNMP privacy passphrase - SNMP V3:SNMP隱私密碼
- SNMP V3: SNMP privacy protocol - SNMP V3:SNMP隱私協議
- SNMP V3: SNMP context - SNMP V3:SNMP上下文
- SNMP V3: SNMP engine id - SNMP V3:SNMP引擎ID
Therefore, if you attempt to import duplicate devices, only the data you specify will be updated. 因此,如果您嘗試導入重複的設備,則只會更新您指定的數據。
HEADER LINE PROCESSED OK: <br>Columns found where: %s 標題行處理正常:<br>找到列,其中: %s
INSERT SUCCEEDED: Hostname: SiteID: %s, Device Name: %s, Hostname %s, SNMP Port: %s 插入成功:主機名稱: SiteID : %s ,裝置名稱: %s ,主機名稱%s , SNMP連接埠: %s
INSERT FAILED: SiteID: %s, Device Name: %s, Hostname %s, SNMP Port: %s 插入失敗: SiteID : %s ,裝置名稱: %s ,主機名稱%s , SNMP連接埠: %s
INSERT SKIPPED, EXISTING: SiteID: %s, Device Name: %s, Hostname %s, SNMP Port: %s 插入已跳過,現有: SiteID : %s ,裝置名稱: %s ,主機名稱%s , SNMP連接埠: %s
Device Tracking Devices [edit: %s] 裝置追蹤裝置[編輯: %s]
Device Tracking Devices [new] 設備跟踪設備[新]
SNMP Information SNMP信息
System: 取得系統報表
Uptime: 運行時間
Hostname: 主機名稱:
ObjectID: 對象ID:
Device Tracking Device Filters 設備跟踪設備過濾器
Device Name 設備名稱
Site Name 網站名稱
Status 狀態


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 185