
English Chinese (Traditional)
Please principal facilities/security contact name and number for this site. 請主要設施/安全聯繫人姓名和本網站的電話號碼。
Site Information 網站信息
Provide any site-specific information, in free form, that allows you to better manage this location. 以免費形式提供任何特定於站點的信息,以便您更好地管理此位置。
General Mac Address Tracking Settings 常規Mac地址跟踪設置
Please enter the MAC Address to be watched for. 請輸入要觀看的MAC地址。
MAC Tracking Name/Email Subject MAC跟踪名稱/電子郵件主題
Please enter a reasonable name for this MAC Tracking entry. This information will be in the subject line of your Email 請為此MAC跟踪條目輸入合理的名稱。此信息將在您的電子郵件的主題行中
Ticket number for cross referencing with your corporate help desk system(s). 與公司服務台系統交叉引用的票號。
Notification Schedule 通知時間表
Choose how often an Email should be generated for this Mac Watch item. 選擇為此Mac Watch項目生成電子郵件的頻率。
First Occurrence Only 首次出現
All Occurrences 所有事件
Every Hour 每隔一小時
Email Addresses 電子郵件信箱
Enter a semicolon separated of Email addresses that will be notified where this MAC address is. 輸入分號的電子郵件地址,將通知此MAC地址。
General Mac Address Authorization Settings 常規Mac地址授權設置
MAC Address Match MAC地址匹配
Please enter the MAC Address or Mac Address Match string to be automatically authorized. If you wish to authorize a group of MAC Addresses, you can use the wildcard character of '%' anywhere in the MAC Address. 請輸入要自動授權的MAC地址或Mac地址匹配字符串。如果您希望授權一組MAC地址,可以在MAC地址的任何位置使用'%'的通配符。
Please add a reason for this entry. 請為此條目添加原因。


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 690