
English Chinese (Traditional)
Click 'Continue' to delete the following watched Mac's? 點擊“繼續”刪除以下觀看的Mac?
Device Tracking MacWatch [edit: %s] 裝置追蹤MacWatch [編輯: %s]
Device Tracking MacWatch [new] 設備跟踪MacWatch [新]
Device Tracking MacWatch Filters 設備跟踪MacWatch過濾器
Watch Name 觀看名稱
Ticket Number 票號
First Seen 第一眼看見
Last Seen 最近一次登入
Watches 手錶
No Device Tracking Watched Macs Found 找不到設備跟踪觀看的Mac
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Site(s)? 點擊“繼續”刪除以下網站?
You must select at least one site. 您必須至少選擇一個站點。
Device Tracking Site [edit: %s] 裝置追蹤網站[編輯: %s]
Device Tracking Site [new] 設備跟踪網站[新]
Device Tracking Site Filters 設備跟踪站點過濾器
Total IP's 總IP
Device Errors 設備錯誤
No Device Tracking Sites Found 找不到設備跟踪站點
Total Devices 設備總數
Total User Ports 用戶端口總數
Total Oper Ports 總操作端口
Total Trunks 總中繼線
You must select at least one SNMP Option. 您必須至少選擇一個SNMP選項。
Click 'Continue' to delete the following SNMP Option(s). 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下SNMP選項。
Click 'Continue' to duplicate the following SNMP Option(s). You can optionally change the title format for the new SNMP Options. 單擊“繼續”以復制以下SNMP選項。您可以選擇更改新SNMP選項的標題格式。
<name> (1) <name> (1)
Name Format: 名稱格式:
SNMP Options [edit %s] SNMP選項[編輯:%s]
SNMP Options [new] SNMP選項[新]
SNMP Option Set [edit: %s] SNMP選項集[編輯:%s]


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 239