
English Chinese (Traditional)
Device Tracking ArpWatch Settings 設備跟踪ArpWatch設置
Enable ArpWatch 啟用ArpWatch
Should Device Tracking also use ArpWatch data to supplement Mac to IP/DNS resolution? 設備跟踪是否還應使用ArpWatch數據來補充Mac到IP / DNS的分辨率?
ArpWatch Database Path ArpWatch數據庫路徑
The location of the ArpWatch Database file on the Cacti server. ArpWatch數據庫文件在Cacti服務器上的位置。
SNMP Presets SNMP預設
Update Policy for SNMP Options SNMP選項的更新策略
Policy for synchronization of SNMP Options between Cacti devices and Device Tracking Devices. Cacti設備和設備跟踪設備之間SNMP選項同步的策略。
Default SNMP version for all new hosts. 所有新主機的默認SNMP版本。
Default SNMP read community for all new hosts. 所有新主機的默認SNMP讀取社區。
Communities 社區
Fill in the list of available SNMP read strings to test for this device. Each read string must be separated by a colon ':'. These read strings will be tested sequentially if the primary read string is invalid. 填寫可用的SNMP讀取字符串列表以測試此設備。每個讀取字符串必須用冒號':'分隔。如果主讀取字符串無效,將按順序測試這些讀取字符串。
The UDP/TCP Port to poll the SNMP agent on. 用於輪詢SNMP代理的UDP / TCP端口。
Default SNMP timeout in milli-seconds. 默認SNMP超時,以毫秒為單位。
The number times the SNMP poller will attempt to reach the host before failing. SNMP輪詢器在失敗之前嘗試到達主機的次數。
snmpbulkwalk Binary Path snmpbulkwalk二進制路徑
The path to your snmpbulkwalk binary. 你的snmpbulkwalk二進製文件的路徑。
MacTrack Settings SNMP設置
Default Tab 預設頁面
Which MacTrack tab would you want to be your Default tab every time you goto the MacTrack second. 每次您進入MacTrack時,您希望將哪個MacTrack選項卡作為“默認”選項卡。
IP Addresses 匿名IP地址。根據國家隱私法,在某些國家/地區設置此選項是強制性的。 <a href="" target="_blank">詳細了解IP匿名化</a> 。
Mac Addresses MAC地址
dot1x Deta dot1x Deta
Device Tracking Devices 設備跟踪設備
(Edit) (編輯)
(Import) 匯入
Device Tracking Device Types 設備跟踪設備類型
Device Tracking Sites 設備跟踪網站
Mac Address Tracking Utility Mac地址跟踪實用程序
Mac Address Authorization Utility Mac地址授權實用程序
Device Tracking Vendor Macs 設備跟踪供應商Mac
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/mactrack
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 527