
English Chinese (Simplified)
Every Polling Cycle 每个轮询周期
Every %d Polling Cycles 每 %d 轮询周期
Hourly at specified minutes 每小时在指定的分钟
If you want Cacti to export static images on an hourly basis, put the minutes of the hour when to do that. Cacti assumes that you run the data gathering script every 5 minutes, so it will round your value to the one closest to its runtime. For instance, 43 would equal 40 minutes past the hour. 如果您希望Cacti每小时输出一次静态图像,请将时间分钟放在这样做。 Cacti假设您每5分钟运行一次数据收集脚本,因此它会将您的价值四舍五入到最接近其运行时间的那个值。 例如,43将等于过去一小时40分钟。
Daily at specified time 每天在指定的时间
If you want Cacti to export static images on an daily basis, put here the time when to do that. Cacti assumes that you run the data gathering script every 5 minutes, so it will round your value to the one closest to its runtime. For instance, 21:23 would equal 20 minutes after 9 PM. 如果您希望Cacti 每天输出静态图像,请在此处填写时间。 Cacti假设您每5分钟运行一次数据收集脚本,因此它会将您的价值四舍五入到最接近其运行时间的那个值。 例如,21点23分将等于晚上9点20分钟后。
Use x Threads 使用x线程
How many background threads do you wish Cacti to use when exporting graphs. Default is 0 to run all export in poller thread, 1 or more to spawn separate background threads 您希望Cacti在导出图形时使用多少个后台线程。默认值为0以在轮询器线程中运行所有导出,1或更多以生成单独的后台线程
Graph Selection & Settings 图表选择和设置
The user name to utilize for establishing permissions to Cacti Graphs. This user name will be used to determine which Graphs/Trees can be exported. N/A means don't assume any security is in place. 用于为Cacti图形建立权限的用户名。 此用户名将用于确定可以导出哪些图形/树。 不适用意味着不承担任何安全措施。
The Tree(s) to export. 导出的树
Expand Devices/Sites 展开设备/站点
This setting determines if Tree Devices and Site Templates and Devices will be expanded or not. If set to expanded, each host will have a sub-folder containing either Graph Templates or Data Query items. 此设置确定树设备和站点模板和设备是否将被展开。 如果设置为展开,则每个主机都将有一个包含图形模板或数据查询项目的子文件夹。
Off 关闭
On 打开
The Site for Cacti Graphs to be Exported from. Cacti图形的导出网站。
Graph Thumbnail Width 图表缩略图宽度
The default width of Thumbnail Graphs in pixels. 缩略图图形的默认宽度(以像素为单位)。
Graph Thumbnail Height 图缩略图高度
The height of Thumbnail Graphs in pixels. 缩略图图形的高度(以像素为单位)。
Default View Thumbnails 默认查看缩略图
Check this if you want the default Graph View to be in Thumbnail mode. 如果您希望默认图形视图处于缩略图模式,请选中此项。
Default Graph Columns 默认图形列
The number of columns to use by default when displaying Graphs. 显示图形时默认使用的列数。
Graphs Per Page 每页图表数
Choose the number of Graphs Per Page to display. 选择要显示的每页图形数量。
Maximum Graphs to Export 导出最大图表数
After this number is reached, an error will be generated, but exporting will continue. Set to 0 for no limit. 达到此数字后,将会生成错误,但导出将继续。 无限制设置为0。
Export Location Information 导出位置信息
Export Thumbnails 导出时间
Check this if you want the export thumbnails mode. 如果您希望默认图形视图处于缩略图模式,请选中此项。


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English Chinese (Simplified)
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String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 167