The translation has come to an end.


English Chinese (Traditional)
Whois Provider Host Whois 提供商託管
Please provide the hostname for resolving whois calls. If not null, you must have the whois binary in your system path. 請提供主機名以解決 whois 調用。 如果不為 null,則系統路徑中必須具有 whois 二進位檔。
Whois Binary Path Flow Tools二進制路徑
Please provide the pathname for the 'whois' binary. The 'whois' binary will be used to find AS information supplementing Arin. 請提供「whois」二進位文件的路徑名。 “whois”二進位檔將用於查找補充 Arin 的 AS 資訊。
Enter binary path 輸入二進位路徑
Data Retention and Report Generation 數據保留和報告生成
Data Retention Policy 資料保留政策
The amount of time Cacti will maintain the partitioned Flow tables. 仙人掌將維護分區流表的時間。
%d Week %d週
%d Weeks 最後%d週
%d Month %d月
%d Months 最後%d個月
%d Year %d年
Database Partitioning Scheme 數據庫分區方案
Depending on the number of flows per minute, you may require more tables per day. 根據每分鐘的流數,您可能每天需要更多表。
Daily 每日
Hourly 每小時
Storage Engine for Raw Tables 原始表的儲存引擎
The Aria Engine is perfect for all but the Live raw table. The Live raw table will always be InnoDB. Take your pick. Aria Engine 非常適合除 Live raw 表以外的所有內容。 Live raw 表將始終為 InnoDB。 任您挑選。
Aria (Fast, Crash Safe) Aria(快速、碰撞安全)
InnoDB (Slow, High Concurrency) InnoDB(慢速、高併發)
Parallel Queries 並行查詢
Max Concurrent Threads 最大併發線程數
The maximum number of threads that will be dispatched to run the FlowView queries. Note that you can have at most 1 thread per database partition, and you should be careful not to overload your database server with having too many concurrent threads running. 為運行 FlowView 查詢而調度的最大線程數。 請注意,每個資料庫分區最多可以有1個線程,並且應注意不要因運行過多的併發線程而使資料庫伺服器過載。
Disabled 停用
%d Threads %d個主題
Maximum Run Time 最大行數
If the Parallel Query does not finish in this time, exit. 如果並行查詢在此時間內未完成,請退出。
%d Minute %d 分鐘
%d Minutes %d 分鐘


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 568