
English Chinese (Traditional)
Autonomous System ID 自治系統ID
The Arin Origin AS. This is official Arin AS information. Arin 起源 AS。 這是 Arin AS 的官方資訊。
Updated Time 更新時間
This is the time that the DNS cache was entered or last updated. 這是輸入或上次更新 DNS 快取的時間。
No DNS Cache Entries Found 未找到 DNS 快取項目
Flowview Internet Routes FlowView監聽器
IP Version IP 版本
IPv4 IPv4
IPv6 IPv6
Route 路線
This is the published Internet Route. 這是已發佈的 Internet 路由。
AS Number 連接埠
The Autonomous System Number for the route. 路由的自治系統編號。
Route Description 路線說明
The Descrption logged by the Route Maintainer. 路由維護者記錄的描述。
The source database used to publish the route. 用於發佈路由的源資料庫。
Maintained By 維護者
The Internet Carrier who is maintaining the route for the customer. 為客戶維護路由的 Internet 運營商。
The last time the information on this route was modified. 上次修改此路由的信息的時間。
No Matching Routes Found 未找到匹配的路由
Listener Name 成員
Name of the device to be displayed. 要顯示的設備的名稱。
Collection Method 收集方法
There are two support collection methods, the first utilizes the legacy flow-tools binaries and the second leverages Cacti's own PHP based flow stream server. 有兩種支持收集方法,第一種利用舊版流程工具二進製文件,第二種利用Cacti自己的基於PHP的流服務器。
Allowed Host 允許的主機
IP Address of the device that is allowed to send to this flow collector. Leave as 0 for any host. 允許發送到此流收集器的設備的IP地址。對於任何主機,保留為0。
Port this collector will listen on. 端口這個收藏家會聽。
The IP Protocol to use for this listener. 用於過濾器的偵聽器。
TCP Protocol IP 通訊協定
UDP Protocol IP 通訊協定
No Flow Template was found for Device ID:%s and Template ID:%s 未找到設備 ID:%s 和範本 ID:%s 的流範本


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
8 months ago
Source string age
8 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 296