The translation has come to an end.


English Portuguese (Brazil)
Pattern Padrão
No Device Selection Criteria Nenhum critério de seleção de dispositivo
Show Matching Objects SQL Query Correspondência de objetos
No Graph Creation Criteria Nenhum critério de criação de gráfico
Warning matching Graph Rule returned no matches
Propagate Change Propagação de mudança
Search Pattern Padrão da procura
Replace Pattern Substituir Padrão
No Tree Creation Criteria Nenhum critério de criação de árvore
Device Match Rule Regra de correspondência de dispositivos
Create Graph Rule Criar regra de gráfico
Graph Match Rule Graph Match Rule
Create Tree Rule (Device) Criar regra de árvore (dispositivo)
Create Tree Rule (Graph) Criar regra de árvore (Gráfico)
Rule Item [edit rule item for %s: %s] Item de regra [editar item de regra para %s: %s].
Rule Item [new rule item for %s: %s] Regra Item [novo item de regra para %s: %s]
Added by Cacti Automation Adicionado por Cacti Automation
ERROR: IP ranges in the form of range1-range2 are no longer supported. ERRO: os intervalos de IP na forma de intervalo1-intervalo2 não são mais compatíveis.
The file is too big.
Incomplete file transfer.
No file uploaded. Nenhum arquivo selecionado
Temporary folder missing.
Failed to write file to disk
File upload stopped by extension
Invalid file extension.
Automation Network SNMP Rule '%s' %s!
Imported Importar
Updated Atualizar
Automation Network SNMP Rule '%s' %s Failed!
Update Atualizar
Automation Network SNMP Option %s! Opções de SNMP de Automação
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Needs editing Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Portuguese (Brazil)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/pt-BR.po, string 3259