
English Polish
Comma delimited list of IP Addresses to not scan
Total IP Addresses Łączna liczba adresów IP
Total addressable IP Addresses in this Network Range. Łączna liczba adresowalnych adresów IP w tym zakresie sieci.
Alternate DNS Servers Alternatywne serwery DNS
A space delimited list of alternate DNS Servers to use for DNS resolution. If blank, the poller OS will be used to resolve DNS names. Przestrzeń ograniczona listą alternatywnych serwerów DNS do wykorzystania dla rozdzielczości DNS. Jeśli puste, system operacyjny ankietera będzie używany do rozwiązywania nazw DNS.
Enter IPs or FQDNs of DNS Servers Wprowadź IP lub FQDNs serwerów DNS
Discovery Threads Gwinty odkrywcze
Define the number of threads to use for discovering this Network Range. Zdefiniuj liczbę wątków, które będą używane do odkrywania tego zakresu sieci.
%d Thread %d Gwint
%d Threads %d Gwinty
Run Limit Granica przebiegu
After the selected Run Limit, the discovery process will be terminated. Po wybraniu limitu badania proces wykrywania zostanie zakończony.
%d Minute %d minuta
%d Minutes %d minut
%d Hour %d godzina
%d Hours %d godzin
Enable this Network Range. Włącz ten zakres sieci.
Enable NetBIOS Włącz NetBIOS
Use NetBIOS to attempt to resolve the hostname of up hosts. Użyj NetBIOS, aby spróbować rozwiązać problem nazwy hosta hostów.
Automatically Add to Cacti Automatycznie dodawaj do Cacti
For any newly discovered Devices that are reachable using SNMP and who match a Device Rule, add them to Cacti. W przypadku nowo odkrytych urządzeń, do których można uzyskać dostęp za pomocą SNMP i które pasują do reguły urządzenia, dodaj je do Cacti.
Allow same sysName on different hosts Pozwól, aby ten sam systemName na różnych hostach
When discovering devices, allow duplicate sysnames to be added on different hosts Podczas odkrywania urządzeń, pozwalaj na dodawanie zduplikowanych nazw systemowych na różnych hostach
Rerun Data Queries Zapytania o dane Rerun
If a device previously added to Cacti is found, rerun its data queries. Jeśli urządzenie wcześniej dodane do Cacti zostanie znalezione, należy ponownie uruchomić zapytanie o dane.
Discovery Timing Czas odkrywania
Schedule Type Typ planowania
Define the collection frequency. Zdefiniuj częstotliwość zbierania.
Starting Date/Time Data/godzina rozpoczęcia
What time will this Network discover item start? O której godzinie rozpocznie się odkrywanie tego elementu sieci?
Rerun Every Rerun Każdy
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
Propagated Translated Cacti/syslog
Propagated Translated Cacti/wmi
Propagated Translated Cacti/hmib
Propagated Translated Cacti/intropage
Propagated Translated Cacti/flowview
Propagated Translated Cacti/mactrack
Propagated Translated Cacti/mikrotik
Propagated Translated Cacti/thold
The following strings have different sources, but the same context.
Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
Translated Cacti/routerconfigs %d godzin.
Needs editing Cacti/core


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Polish
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
automation_networks.php:847 automation_networks.php:848 automation_networks.php:849 data_source_profiles.php:859 include/global_arrays.php:731 include/global_arrays.php:732 include/global_arrays.php:733 include/global_arrays.php:734 include/global_arrays.php:735 include/global_arrays.php:776 include/global_arrays.php:777 include/global_arrays.php:778 include/global_arrays.php:779 include/global_arrays.php:786 include/global_arrays.php:787 include/global_arrays.php:788 include/global_arrays.php:789 include/global_arrays.php:1535 include/global_arrays.php:1536 include/global_arrays.php:1537 include/global_arrays.php:1538 include/global_arrays.php:1605 include/global_arrays.php:1606 include/global_arrays.php:1607 include/global_arrays.php:1608 include/global_arrays.php:1609 include/global_arrays.php:1626 include/global_arrays.php:1627 include/global_arrays.php:1628 include/global_arrays.php:1629 include/global_arrays.php:1630 include/global_arrays.php:1636 include/global_arrays.php:1637 include/global_settings.php:1731 include/global_settings.php:1732 include/global_settings.php:1733 include/global_settings.php:1734 include/global_settings.php:1749 include/global_settings.php:1750 include/global_settings.php:1751 include/global_settings.php:1752 include/global_settings.php:3022 include/global_settings.php:3023
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/pl-PL.po, string 388