
English Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
Template Items to be Imported عناصر قالب اللون [تحرير عنصر تقرير:٪ s]
The Template Items in the list below will be imported. اختر كيفية فرز العناصر الموجودة في هذه الشجرة.
Import Package قوالب الاستيراد
You must select either a File or a Template Item to import before proceeding
Unable to obtain the public key for this package. Contact the package author to receive a new package.
You have not Trusted this Package Author '%s'. If you wish to import, check the Automatically Trust Author checkbox. Otherwise, feel free to reach the author at the following Email address '%s'.
Repo File Missing or Damaged
The Repo '%s' is NOT Reachable at the URL Location in the package.manifest.
Something is wrong with your Package Repository
The Signature for one or more packages is not Trusted.<br>
<b>Author:</b> &lt;%s&gt; %s.<br>
<b>Package</b> %s ملفات الحزمة
Press 'Ok' to start Trusting the Signer, or escape to cancel.
Some Packages Not Trusted
All Packages Trusted
All Package Signatures Validated
The Repo '%s' is NOT Reachable at the URL Location or the package.manifest file is missing.
Error in Package خطأ في استعلام البيانات
See the cacti.log for more information. It could be that you had either an API Key error or the package was tamered with, or the location is not available.
The package "%s" download or validation failed
See the cacti.log for more information. It could be that you had either an API Key error or the package was tamered with, or the location is not available
The package download or validation failed
Package XML File Damaged. ملفات الحزمة
The XML files appears to be invalid and does not contain a public key. Please contact the package author to obtain a revised package.
Check the package repository file for files that should exist and find the one that is missing
The XML files for the package does not exist
Packages Details ملفات الحزمة
Email البريد الإلكتروني
Import Package Filenames [ None selected imports all, Check to import selectively ]
Filename إعادة التسمية


No matching activity found.

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English Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
10 days ago
Source string age
10 days ago
Translation file
locales/po/ar-SA.po, string 4499