The translation has come to an end.


English Chinese (Traditional)
The algorithm ensures that you always have a grid, that there are enough but not too many grid lines, and that the grid is metric. This parameter will also ensure that you get enough decimals displayed even if your graph goes from 69.998 to 70.001.<br><strong>Note: </strong>This parameter may interfere with --alt-autoscale options. 該算法可確保您始終擁有一個網格,即網格線足夠但不太多,並且網格是公制。即使圖形從69.998變為70.001,此參數也將確保顯示足夠的小數。 <br> <strong>注意:</strong>此參數可能會干擾--alt-autoscale選項。
Axis Options 軸選項
Right Axis (--right-axis &lt;scale:shift&gt;) 右軸( - 右軸&lt;比例:移位&gt;)
A second axis will be drawn to the right of the graph. It is tied to the left axis via the scale and shift parameters. 第二個軸將繪製在圖形的右側。它通過刻度和移位參數與左軸相連。
Right Axis Label (--right-axis-label &lt;string&gt;) 右軸標籤( - right-axis-label &lt;string&gt;)
The label for the right axis. 右軸的標籤。
Right Axis Format (--right-axis-format &lt;format&gt;) 右軸格式( - right-axis-format &lt;format&gt;)
By default, the format of the axis labels gets determined automatically. If you want to do this yourself, use this option with the same %lf arguments you know from the PRINT and GPRINT commands. 默認情況下,軸標籤的格式會自動確定。如果您想自己執行此操作,請將此選項與PRINT和GPRINT命令中使用的相同%lf參數一起使用。
Right Axis Formatter (--right-axis-formatter &lt;formatname&gt;) 右軸格式化程序(--right-axis-formatter &lt;formatname&gt;)
When you setup the right axis labeling, apply a rule to the data format. Supported formats include "numeric" where data is treated as numeric, "timestamp" where values are interpreted as UNIX timestamps (number of seconds since January 1970) and expressed using strftime format (default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"). See also --units-length and --right-axis-format. Finally "duration" where values are interpreted as duration in milliseconds. Formatting follows the rules of valstrfduration qualified PRINT/GPRINT. 設置右軸標籤時,請將規則應用於數據格式。支持的格式包括“numeric”,其中數據被視為數字,“timestamp”,其中值被解釋為UNIX時間戳(自1970年1月以來的秒數)並使用strftime格式表示(默認為“%Y-%m-%d%H :%女士”)。另請參見--units-length和--right-axis-format。最後是“持續時間”,其中值被解釋為持續時間(以毫秒為單位)。格式化遵循valstrfduration限定PRINT / GPRINT的規則。
Left Axis Formatter (--left-axis-formatter &lt;formatname&gt;) 左軸格式化程序( - left-axis-formatter &lt;formatname&gt;)
When you setup the left axis labeling, apply a rule to the data format. Supported formats include "numeric" where data is treated as numeric, "timestamp" where values are interpreted as UNIX timestamps (number of seconds since January 1970) and expressed using strftime format (default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"). See also --units-length. Finally "duration" where values are interpreted as duration in milliseconds. Formatting follows the rules of valstrfduration qualified PRINT/GPRINT. 設置左軸標籤時,請將規則應用於數據格式。支持的格式包括“numeric”,其中數據被視為數字,“timestamp”,其中值被解釋為UNIX時間戳(自1970年1月以來的秒數)並使用strftime格式表示(默認為“%Y-%m-%d%H :%女士”)。另見--units-length。最後是“持續時間”,其中值被解釋為持續時間(以毫秒為單位)。格式化遵循valstrfduration限定PRINT / GPRINT的規則。
Legend Options 圖例選項
Auto Padding 自動填充
Pad text so that legend and graph data always line up. Note: this could cause graphs to take longer to render because of the larger overhead. Also Auto Padding may not be accurate on all types of graphs, consistent labeling usually helps. 填充文本,以便圖例和圖形數據始終排列。注意:由於開銷較大,這可能會導致圖形渲染時間更長。此外,自動填充在所有類型的圖表上可能都不准確,一致的標籤通常會有所幫助。
Dynamic Labels (--dynamic-labels) 動態標籤( - 動態標籤)
Draw line markers as a line. 將線標記繪製為一條線。
Force Rules Legend (--force-rules-legend) 強制規則圖例(--force-rules-legend)
Force the generation of HRULE and VRULE legends. 強制生成HRULE和VRULE圖例。
Tab Width (--tabwidth &lt;pixels&gt;) 標籤寬度( - tabwidth &lt;pixels&gt;)
By default the tab-width is 40 pixels, use this option to change it. 默認情況下,標籤寬度為40像素,使用此選項進行更改。
Legend Position (--legend-position=&lt;position&gt;) 圖例位置(--legend-position = &lt;position&gt;)
Place the legend at the given side of the graph. 將圖例放在圖表的給定側。
Legend Direction (--legend-direction=&lt;direction&gt;) 圖例方向(--legend-direction = &lt;direction&gt;)
Place the legend items in the given vertical order. 將圖例項目放在給定的垂直順序中。
Graph Item Type 圖表項目類型
How data for this item is represented visually on the graph. 如何在圖表上以可視方式顯示此項目的數據。
The data source to use for this graph item. 用於此圖形項的數據源。
The color to use for the legend. 用於圖例的顏色。
Opacity/Alpha Channel 不透明度/ Alpha通道
The opacity/alpha channel of the color. 顏色的不透明度/ alpha通道。
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 1895