The translation has come to an end.


English Chinese (Traditional)
A very special thanks to %sTobi Oetiker%s, the creator of %sRRDtool%s and the very popular %sMRTG%s. 非常感謝%sTobi Oetiker%s,%sRRDtool%s的創建者和非常受歡迎的%sMRTG%s。
The users of Cacti 仙人掌的用戶
Especially anyone who has taken the time to create an issue report, or otherwise help fix a Cacti related problems. Also to anyone who has contributed to supporting Cacti. 特別是那些花時間創建問題報告或以其他方式幫助解決Cacti相關問題的人。任何為支持Cacti做出貢獻的人也是如此。
License 授權
Cacti is licensed under the GNU GPL: Cacti根據GNU GPL許可:
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 這個程序是免費軟件;您可以根據自由軟件基金會發布的GNU通用公共許可證的條款重新分發和/或修改它;許可證的第2版,或(根據您的選擇)任何更高版本。
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. 本程序的發布是希望它有用,但沒有任何擔保;甚至沒有適銷性或特定用途適用性的暗示保證。有關更多詳細信息,請參閱GNU通用公共許可證。
Delete 刪除
Convert to Normal Graph 轉換為LINE1圖表
Place Graphs on Report 將圖表放在報告上
Migrate Aggregate to use a Template 遷移聚合以使用模板
Create New Aggregate from Aggregates 從聚合創建新聚合
Associate with Aggregate 與Aggregate相關聯
Disassociate with Aggregate 與Aggregate解除關聯
Place on a Tree (%s) 放在樹上(%s)
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Aggregate Graph(s). 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下聚合圖。
Cancel 取消
Continue 繼續
Delete Graph(s) 刪除圖表
The selected Aggregate Graphs represent elements from more than one Graph Template. 選定的聚合圖表表示來自多個圖表模板的元素。
In order to migrate the Aggregate Graphs below to a Template based Aggregate, they must only be using one Graph Template. Please press 'Return' and then select only Aggregate Graph that utilize the same Graph Template. 為了將下面的聚合圖遷移到基於模板的聚合,它們只能使用一個圖模板。請按“返回”,然後僅選擇使用相同圖表模板的聚合圖。
Return 返回
The selected Aggregate Graphs does not appear to have any matching Aggregate Templates. 選定的聚合圖表表示來自多個圖表模板的元素。
In order to migrate the Aggregate Graphs below use an Aggregate Template, one must already exist. Please press 'Return' and then first create your Aggregate Template before retrying. 為了將下面的聚合圖遷移到基於模板的聚合,它們只能使用一個圖模板。請按“返回”,然後僅選擇使用相同圖表模板的聚合圖。
Click 'Continue' and the following Aggregate Graph(s) will be migrated to use the Aggregate Template that you choose below. 單擊“繼續”,將遷移以下聚合圖以使用您在下面選擇的聚合模板。
Aggregate Template: 聚合模板:
There are currently no Aggregate Templates defined for the selected Legacy Aggregates. 目前沒有為選定的舊聚合定義聚合模板。
In order to migrate the Aggregate Graphs below to a Template based Aggregate, first create an Aggregate Template for the Graph Template '%s'. 為了將下面的聚合圖遷移到基於模板的聚合,首先為圖形模板'%s'創建聚合模板。
Please press 'Return' to continue. 請按“返回”繼續。
Click 'Continue' to combine the following Aggregate Graph(s) into a single Aggregate Graph. 單擊“繼續”將以下聚合圖組合到單個聚合圖中。
Aggregate Name: 匯總名稱:


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 26