
English Dutch
TBD Nader te bepalen
Queued Boost Records: In afwachting van Boost Records:
Approximate in Process: Benaderend in proces:
Total Boost Records: Total Boost Records:
Boost Storage Statistics Verhoogde opslagstatistieken
Database Engine: Database Engine:
Current Boost Table(s) Size: Huidige Boostabel(s) Grootte:
Avg Bytes/Record: Gemiddeld aantal bytes/rij:
%d Bytes %d Bytes
Max Record Length: Max. recordlengte:
Max Allowed Boost Table Size: Maximaal toegestane boost tafelgrootte:
Estimated Maximum Records: Geschatte maximale records:
Previous Runtime Statistics Runtime statistieken
Last Start Time: Laatste starttijd:
Last End Time: Laatste starttijd:
Never Run Nooit gedraaid
Last Run Duration: Laatste run duur:
%d minutes %d minuten
%d seconds %d seconden
%0.2f percent of update frequency) %0.2f procent van update frequentie)
RRD Updates: RRD Updates:
MBytes Megabytes
Peak Poller Memory: Peak Poller geheugen:
Max Poller Memory Allowed: Maximaal toegestaan Pollergeheugen:
Detailed Runtime Statistics Runtime statistieken
Records: %s (ds rows), Time: %s (secs), GetRows: %s (secs), ResultsCycle: %s (secs), FileAndTemplate: %s (secs), LastUpdate: %s (secs), RRDUpdate: %s (secs), Delete: %s (secs) Records: %s (ds rijen), Tijd: %s (secs), GetRows: %s (secs), ResultsCycle: %s (secs), FileAndTemplate: %s (secs), LastUpdate: %s (secs), RRDUpdate: %s (secs), Verwijderen: %s (secs)
Previous Runtime Timers: Gedetailleerde runtime timers:
Process: %d Proces :
Status: <span class="deviceUp"><b>Running</b></span>, Remaining: %s (dses), CurrentRuntime: %s (secs), PrevRuntime: %s (secs), PrevProcessed: %10s (ds rows) Status: <span class="deviceUp"><b>Actief</b></span>, Resterend: %s (dses), CurrentRuntime: %s (secs), PrevRuntime: %s (secs), PrevVerwerkt: %10s (ds rijen)
Status: <span class="deviceRecovering"><b>Idle</b></span>, PrevRuntime: %s (secs), PrevProcessed: %10s (ds rows) Status: <span class="deviceRecovering"><b>Inactief</b></span>, VorigeRuntime: %s (sec), VorigeVerwerkt: %10s (ds rijen)
Run Time Configuration Runtime configuratie
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/intropage
Propagated Translated Cacti/core


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Dutch
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/nl-NL.po, string 4506