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English Chinese (Simplified)
Enable Server 启用服务器
Uncheck this box to disabled this server from checking urls. 取消选中此框可禁用此服务器检查网址。
Is this server the local server? 这台服务器是本地服务器吗?
Check this box if the current server you are connected to is this entry. 如果您连接的当前服务器是此条目,请选中此框。
Master Server 主服务器
Sets this server to the Master server. The Master server handles all Email operations 将此服务器设置为主服务器。 主服务器处理所有电子邮件操作
IP Address IP地址
IP Address to connect to this server IP地址连接到此服务器
This is the URL to connect to remote.php on this server. 这是连接到此服务器上的remote.php的URL。
Location 位置
Location of this server 此服务器的位置
Service Check Name 服务检查名称
The name that is displayed for this Service Check, and is included in any Alert notifications. 为此服务检查显示的名称,并且包含在任何警报通知中。
Enable Service Check 启用服务检查
Uncheck this box to disabled this url from being checked. 取消选中此框可禁用此网址进行检查。
The URL to Monitor 要监视的网址
Enter an IP address to connect to. Leaving blank will use DNS Resolution instead. 输入要连接的IP地址。 留空将使用DNS解析。
Proxy Server 代理服务器
If this connection text requires a proxy, select it here. Otherwise choose 'None'. 如果此连接文本需要代理,请在此处选择它。否则,选择“无”。
Compression 压缩
What compression does the server require? Most servers should not need this, but some will not redirect properly without it. 服务器需要什么压缩?大多数服务器不需要此服务器,但是如果没有它,某些服务器将无法正确重定向。
Available Checks 可用支票
Requires Authentication 需要认证
Check this box if the site will normally return a 401 Error as it requires a username and password. 如果网站通常会返回401错误,请选中此框,因为它需要用户名和密码。
Check Certificate 检查证书
If using SSL, check this box if you want to validate the certificate. Default on, turn off if you the site uses a self-signed certificate. 如果使用SSL,如果要验证证书,请选中此框。 如果您的网站使用自签名证书,则默认开启。
Notification Timing 通知时间
Trigger 触发
How many minutes the URL must be down before it will send an alert. After an alert is sent, in order for a 'Site Recovering' Email to be send, it must also be up this number of minutes. 在发送警报之前,URL必须关闭多少分钟。 发送提醒后,为了发送“网站恢复”电子邮件,它也必须达到此分钟数。
Time Out 超时


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English Chinese (Simplified)
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4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 39