
English Chinese (Traditional)
An Alert has been issued that requires your attention. <br><br><strong>Device</strong>: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>)<br><strong>URL</strong>: <URL><br><strong>Message</strong>: <SUBJECT><br><br><GRAPH> 已發出警報,需要您注意。 <br><br> <strong>裝置</strong> : <DESCRIPTION> ( <HOSTNAME> ) <br> <strong>網址</strong> : <URL><br> <strong>消息</strong> : <SUBJECT><br><br><GRAPH>
Threshold Warning Message 閾值警告消息
This is the message that will be displayed at the top of all Threshold warnings (1024 Char MAX). HTML is allowed, but will be removed for text only Emails. There are several common replacement tags that may be used in include:<br>&#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060HOST_ID&#062 &#060SITE&#062 &#060LOCATION&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060BREACHED_ITEMS&#062 &#060URL&#062 &#060GRAPHID&#062 &#060THOLD_ID&#062 &#060CURRENTVALUE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDNAME&#062 &#060DSNAME&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060GRAPH&#062 &#60NOTES&#62 &#060DNOTES&#062 這是將顯示在所有閾值警告(255 Char MAX)頂部的消息。允許使用HTML,但僅刪除純文本電子郵件。可以使用幾種描述符。 <br> &lt;DESCRIPTION&gt; &lt;HOSTNAME&gt; &lt;TIME&gt; &lt;DATE&gt; &lt;DATE_RFC822&gt; &lt;URL&gt; &lt;GRAPHID&gt; &lt;CURRENTVALUE&gt; &lt;THRESHOLDNAME&gt; &lt;DSNAME&gt; &lt;SUBJECT&gt; &lt;GRAPH&gt; &lt;NOTES&gt; &lt;DNOTES&gt;
A Warning has been issued that requires your attention. <br><br><strong>Device</strong>: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>)<br><strong>URL</strong>: <URL><br><strong>Message</strong>: <SUBJECT><br><br><GRAPH> 已發出警告,需要您注意。 <br><br> <strong>裝置</strong> : <DESCRIPTION> ( <HOSTNAME> ) <br> <strong>網址</strong> : <URL><br> <strong>消息</strong> : <SUBJECT><br><br><GRAPH>
Threshold Restoral Message 閾值警報消息
This is the message that will be displayed at the top of all Threshold restoral notifications (1024 Chars MAX). HTML is allowed, but will be removed for text only Emails. There are several common replacement tags that may be used in include:<br>&#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060HOST_ID&#062 &#060SITE&#062 &#060LOCATION&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060BREACHED_ITEMS&#062 &#060URL&#062 &#060GRAPHID&#062 &#060THOLD_ID&#062 &#060CURRENTVALUE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDNAME&#062 &#060DSNAME&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060GRAPH&#062 &#60NOTES&#62 &#060DNOTES&#062 這是將顯示在所有閾值警告(255 Char MAX)頂部的消息。允許使用HTML,但僅刪除純文本電子郵件。可以使用幾種描述符。 <br> &lt;DESCRIPTION&gt; &lt;HOSTNAME&gt; &lt;TIME&gt; &lt;DATE&gt; &lt;DATE_RFC822&gt; &lt;URL&gt; &lt;GRAPHID&gt; &lt;CURRENTVALUE&gt; &lt;THRESHOLDNAME&gt; &lt;DSNAME&gt; &lt;SUBJECT&gt; &lt;GRAPH&gt; &lt;NOTES&gt; &lt;DNOTES&gt;
A Threshold has returned to normal status. <br><br><strong>Device</strong>: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>)<br><strong>URL</strong>: <URL><br><strong>Message</strong>: <SUBJECT><br><br><GRAPH> 已發出警報,需要您注意。 <br><br> <strong>裝置</strong> : <DESCRIPTION> ( <HOSTNAME> ) <br> <strong>網址</strong> : <URL><br> <strong>消息</strong> : <SUBJECT><br><br><GRAPH>
Duplicate 複製
Associate 關聯
Disassociate 撇清
Devices 設備
Click 'Continue' to Delete Notification Lists(s). Any Device(s) or Threshold(s) associated with the List(s) will be reverted to the default. 點擊“繼續”以刪除通知列表。與列表關聯的任何設備或閾值將恢復為默認值。
Cancel 取消
Continue 繼續
Delete Notification List(s) 刪除通知清單
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate the following Notification List(s). 單擊“繼續”以復制以下通知列表。
New List Name 新列表名稱
New Notification List 新通知清單
Duplicate Notification List(s) 重複的通知清單
%s Threshold Template(s) %s閾值模板
Click 'Continue' to Association the Notification List '%s' with the Threshold Template(s) below. 單擊“繼續”以將通知列表'%s'與下面的閾值模板相關聯。
No Change 沒有變更
Notification List Only 僅通知清單
Notification List, Retain Other Settings 通知列表,保留其他設置
Warning Membership: 警告成員:
Alert Membership: 警報會員:
Associate Notification List(s) 關聯通知清單
Click 'Continue' to Disassociate the Notification List '%s' from the Thresholds Template(s) below. 單擊“繼續”以從下面的閾值模板中取消關聯通知列表'%s'。
Remove List 刪除列表
Disassociate Notification List(s) 解除關聯通知清單


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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 299