
English Chinese (Traditional)
Failed to write file to disk 檔案無法寫入。
File upload stopped by extension 擴展文件中斷了上傳
Invalid file extension. 文件擴展名無效
NOTE: 備註:
ERROR: 錯誤:
Threshold(s) Already Exists - No Thresholds Created 閾值已經存在 - 沒有創建閾值
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select a Threshold Type ] 閾值創建嚮導[選擇閾值類型]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Enter Custom Data and press 'Create' to Create your Threshold and Graph ] 閾值創建嚮導[輸入自定義數據並按“創建”以創建閾值和圖形]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select Available Data Query Rows ] 閾值創建嚮導[選擇可用數據查詢行]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select a Device ] 閾值創建嚮導[選擇設備]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select a Graph Template ] 閾值創建嚮導[選擇圖表模板]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select a Threshold Template ] 閾值創建嚮導[選擇閾值模板]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Press 'Create' to Create your Threshold ] 閾值創建嚮導[按'創建'創建閾值]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select a Data Source ] 閾值創建嚮導[選擇數據源]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select a Graph ] 閾值創建嚮導[選擇圖表]
Threshold Creation Criteria 門檻創建標準
Create Type 創建類型
Select a Threshold Type to use for creating this Threshold. 選擇用於創建此閾值的閾值類型。
Select a Threshold Type 選擇閾值類型
Non Templated 非模板化
Threshold Template 閾值模板
Select a Threshold Template that the Graph and Threshold will be based upon. 選擇圖形和閾值將基於的閾值模板。
Graph Template 圖模板
Select a Graph Template to use for the Graph to be created. 選擇要用於創建圖表的圖表模板。
Select a Graph Template 選擇圖表模板
Select a Device to use for the Threshold and Graph to be created. 選擇要用於創建閾值和圖表的設備。
Select a Device 選擇一個設備
Select and Available Item 選擇和可用項目
Data Query Item 數據查詢項
Select the applicable row from the Data Query for the Graph and Threshold. 從圖表和閾值的數據查詢中選擇適用的行。
Creation Notes 創作筆記


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 858