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English Chinese (Simplified)
Warning HRULE Color 警告HRULE颜色
Please choose a Color for the Graph HRULE for the Warning Thresholds. Choose 'None' for No HRULE. Note: This features is supported for Data Manipulation types 'Exact Value' and 'Percentage' only at this time. 请为图表HRULE选择警告阈值的颜色。 No HRULE选择'None'。 注意:此功能仅支持数据操作类型“准确值”和“百分比”。
Alert HRULE Color 警报HRULE颜色
Please choose a Color for the Graph HRULE for the Alert Thresholds. Choose 'None' for No HRULE. Note: This features is supported for Data Manipulation types 'Exact Value' and 'Percentage' only at this time. 请为图形HRULE选择警报阈值的颜色。 No HRULE选择'None'。 注意:此功能仅支持数据操作类型“准确值”和“百分比”。
Graph Timespan 图形模板
The Graph End time will be set at the time of triggering. The Graph Start time will be the End Time minus the Graph Timespan. 图形结束时间将在触发时设置。图形开始时间将是结束时间减去图形时间跨度。
Skip Scaling on HRULEs 跳过HRULE上的缩放
If Checked, the Scale on the Graph will not be impacted by either the Alert or Warning HRULEs. 如果选中,图形上的比例将不受警报或警告HRULE的影响。
Weekend Exemption 周末免除
If this is checked, this Threshold will not alert on weekends. 如果选中此项,则此阈值在周末不会提醒。
Disable Restoration Email 禁用恢复电子邮件
If this is checked, Threshold will not send an alert when the Threshold has returned to normal status. 如果选中此项,当阈值恢复到正常状态时,阈值不会发送警报。
Acknowledgment Options 确认选项
There are three Acknowledgment levels that control how you must respond to a Threshold breach condition. They are:<br><br><ul><li><i>None Required</i> - When you select this option, no Acknowledgment is required for a Threshold breach.</li><li><i>Suspendible Notification</i> - With this option, once you Acknowledge or Suspend Notifications on the Threshold, you will no longer receive notifications while it is breached. You may subsequently, Resume Notifications while its breached.</li><li><i>Persistent Acknowledgment</i> - With this option, even after the Threshold has returned to normal, you must Acknowledge the Threshold and provide an optional Operator Message.</li></ul> 有三个确认级别可控制您必须如何响应阈值违规条件。他们是: <br><br><ul><li> <i>无必需</i> - 选择此选项时,阈值违规不需要确认。 </li><li> <i>重置确认</i> - 使用此选项,一旦您确认阈值,您将不再收到违反通知的通知。 </li><li> <i>持久确认</i> - 使用此选项,即使阈值恢复正常,您也必须确认阈值并提供可选的操作员消息。 </li></ul>
None Required 无需确认
Suspendible Notification SNMP通知
Persistent Acknowledgment 坚持承认
Threshold Type 阈值类型
The type of Threshold that will be monitored. 将要监视的阈值类型。
Re-Alert Cycle 重新报警周期
Repeat alert after this amount of time has passed since the last alert. 自上次提醒后经过这段时间后重复提醒。
Warning - High / Low Settings 警告 - 高/低设置
Numeric values for High and Low Thresholds can include the following suffixes for numbers greater than 1 to 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y', and for numbers less than 1 'm', 'u', 'p', 'f'. 对于大于1到“K”、“M”、“G”、“T”、“P”、“E”、“Z”、“Y”的数字以及小于1“m”、“u”、“p”、“f”的数字,高阈值和低阈值的数值可以包括以下后缀。
High Threshold 高阈值
If set and Data Source value goes above this number, warning will be triggered. NOTE: This value must be a RAW number. The value displayed on the Graph may be modified by a cdef. 如果设置并且“数据源”值超过此数字,将触发警告。注意:此值必须是RAW号。图形上显示的值可以由cdef修改。
Low Threshold 低阈值
If set and Data Source value goes below this number, warning will be triggered. NOTE: This value must be a RAW number. The value displayed on the Graph may be modified by a cdef. 如果设置并且数据源值低于此数字,将触发警告。注意:此值必须是RAW号。图形上显示的值可以由cdef修改。
Breach Duration 违约期限
The amount of time the Data Source must be in breach of the Threshold for a warning to be raised. NOTE: This value must be a RAW number. The value displayed on the Graph may be modified by a cdef. 数据源必须违反阈值才能引发警告的时间量。
Alert - High / Low Settings 警报 - 高/低设置
If set and Data Source value goes above this number, alert will be triggered. NOTE: This value must be a RAW number. The value displayed on the Graph may be modified by a cdef. 如果设置并且“数据源”值超过此数字,将触发警报。注意:此值必须是RAW号。图形上显示的值可以由cdef修改。


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English Chinese (Simplified)
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String information

Source string location
thold.php:1668 thold_templates.php:1224
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 555