
English Chinese (Simplified)
Enable Command Execution 启用命令执行
Checking this box will enable the ability to run commands on Threshold breach and restoral events. 选中此框将启用在阈值违规和恢复事件上运行命令的功能。
Enable Per Thold Notification 启用死/恢复主机通知
Checking this box will enable the ability to maintain custom Email bodies for Thresholds. 选中此框将能够维护阈值的自定义电子邮件正文。
Enable Notification Queue 启用通知队列
Checking this box will switch Thold from performing inline Notification to using either the Notification Daemon, or notifications performed out of band by the Notification poller. 选中此框将Thold从执行内联通知切换到使用通知守护程序,或使用通知轮询器在带外执行的通知。
Enable Sending Alert Emails to Warning Notification Lists 警告通知列表
Check this box if you wish Warning Notification List recipients to receive Alert Emails in addition to the Alert Notification list receivers. This case is applicable when Warning Notifications goes to Administrators and Alert Notifications go to Management. 如果您希望“警告通知列表”收件人除了接收“警报通知”列表收件人之外,还接收“警报电子邮件”,请选中此框。当“警告通知”转到“管理员”,而“警报通知”转到了“管理”时,此情况适用。
Threshold Daemon 阈值守护进程
Enable Threshold Daemon 启用阈值守护程序
Checking this box will enable the use of a dedicated Threshold daemon. This can be used to increase system performance and/or to distribute Threshold monitoring to a separate server. 选中此框将启用专用的Threshold守护进程。 这可以用来提高系统性能和/或将阈值监视分布到单独的服务器。
Force Threshold Daemon Debug 阈值守护进程
Checking this box will enable Threshold Daemon debug when operating from SystemD or through the command line. This change is dynamic and will take effect as soon as the next Threshold loop commences. 选中此框将在从SystemD或通过命令行进行操作时启用阈值守护程序调试。此更改是动态的,并将在下一个阈值循环开始时立即生效。
Daemon Down Notification Frequency 设备启/停通知设置
If the Thold Daemon is found to be down, send out an Email notification at this frequency. 如果发现Thold守护程序已关闭,则以该频率发送电子邮件通知。
Every %d Hour 每%d小时
Daemon Threads 守护线程
The number of daemon threads to be handled by the Threshold Daemon. 阈值守护程序要处理的最大并发进程数。
1 Process 1流程
%d Processes %d进程
Logging 记录
Log Threshold Breaches 日志阈值违规
Enable logging of all Threshold failures to the Cacti Log. 启用将所有阈值故障记录到Cacti日志。
Show Data Source in Log 在日志中显示数据源
Show the Data Source name in the Log if not present. 在日志中显示数据源名称如果不存在。
Log Threshold Changes 日志阈值更改
Enable logging of all Threshold changes to the Cacti Log. 启用将所有阈值更改记录到Cacti日志。
Debug Log 调试日志
Enable logging of debug messages with Threshold 使用阈值启用记录调试消息
Alert Log Retention 警报日志保留
Keep Threshold Logs for this number of days. 保持这个天数的阈值日志。
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/thold
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/mactrack


User avatar tql

Translation changed

Cacti / tholdChinese (Simplified)

8 months ago
User avatar None

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Cacti / tholdChinese (Simplified)

4 years ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
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String information

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String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 199