
English Swedish
Import Template from Local File Importera mall från lokal fil
If the XML file containing Threshold Template data is located on your local machine, select it here. Om XML-filen med Threshold Template-data finns på din lokala dator, markera den här.
Import Template from Text Importera mall från text
If you have the XML file containing Threshold Template data as text, you can paste it into this box to import it. Om du har XML-filen som innehåller Threshold Template-data som text kan du klistra in den i den här rutan för att importera den.
Import Results Importera resultat
Cacti has imported the following items: Cacti har importerat följande:
Import Threshold Templates Importera tröskelmallar
The file is too big. Filen är för stor.
Incomplete file transfer. Ofullständig filöverföring.
No file uploaded. Ingen fil laddades upp.
Temporary folder missing. Tillfällig mapp saknas.
Failed to write file to disk Misslyckades skriva filen till disken
File upload stopped by extension Filuppladdningen stoppades av ett tillägg
Invalid file extension. Ogiltig filändelse.
Threshold(s) Already Exists - No Thresholds Created Tröskel (r) finns redan - inga trösklar skapade
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select a Threshold Type ] Guiden Threshold Creation [Välj en tröskel typ]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Enter Custom Data and press 'Create' to Create your Threshold and Graph ] Guiden Threshold Creation [Ange egna data och tryck på 'Skapa' för att skapa din tröskel och graf]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select Available Data Query Rows ] Guiden Threshold Creation [välj Tillgängliga Data Query Rows]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select a Device ] Guiden Threshold Creation [Välj en enhet]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select a Graph Template ] Guiden Threshold Creation [Välj en grafmall]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select a Threshold Template ] Guiden Threshold Creation [Välj en tröskelmall]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Press 'Create' to Create your Threshold ] Guiden Threshold Creation [Tryck på 'Skapa' för att skapa din tröskel]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select a Data Source ] Guiden Threshold Creation [Välj en datakälla]
Threshold Creation Wizard [ Select a Graph ] Tröskelskapsguiden [Välj en graf]
Threshold Creation Criteria Tröskel skapande kriterier
Create Type Skapa typ
Select a Threshold Type to use for creating this Threshold. Välj en tröskel typ som ska användas för att skapa denna tröskel.
Select a Threshold Type Välj en tröskel typ
Non Templated Ej Templated
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/thold
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following strings have different sources, but the same context.
Translated Cacti/core FELel:
Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x) FELel:


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Swedish
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/sv-SE.po, string 847