The translation has come to an end.


English Portuguese (Portugal)
Export Exportar
Threshold Mail Limiar
Down Host Mail
Up Host Mail
Threshold Cmd Limiar
Down Host Cmd
Up Host Cmd
0 Digits
1 Digit
%d Digits %d Dias
> %d Devices Dispositivos
> %d %%% of Devices Globally Dispositivos
> %d Devices in a Site Dispositivos
> %d %%% of Devices in a Site Dispositivos
SNMP not in use SNMP não está em uso
Devices Notice: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) returned from DOWN state Aviso de Dispositivos: <(<HOSTNAME>) retornado do estado DOWN
<br>System <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) status: <DOWN/UP><br><br>Site: <SITE><br>Location: <LOCATION><br>Current ping response: <CUR_TIME> ms<br>Average system response : <AVG_TIME> ms<br>System availability: <AVAILABILITY><br>Total Checks Since Clear: <TOT_POLL><br>Total Failed Checks: <FAIL_POLL><br>Last Date Checked UP: <LAST_FAIL><br>Devices Previously DOWN for: <DOWNTIME><br><br>SNMP Info:<br>Name - <SNMP_HOSTNAME><br>Location - <SNMP_LOCATION><br>Uptime - <UPTIMETEXT> (<UPTIME> ms)<br>System - <SNMP_SYSTEM><br><br>NOTE: <NOTES> status <br>Sistema <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>): <DWN/UP><br>>br>Current ping response: <CUR_TIME> ms<br>Resposta média do sistema: <AVG_TIME> ms<br>Disponibilidade do sistema: <AVAILABILITY><br>Total Checks Since Clear: <TOT_POLL><br>Total Failed Checks: <FAIL_POLL><br>Last Date Checked UP: <LAST_FAIL><br>Devices Previously DOWN for: <DOWNTIME><br><br><br>NMP Info:<br>Nome - <SNMP_HOSTNAME><br>>Local - <SNMP_LOCATION><br>Aptime - <UPTIMETEXT> (<UPTIMEME> ms)<br>System - <SNMP_SYSTEM><br><br>NNOTE: <NOTES>.
Devices Error: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) is DOWN Erro de dispositivos: <(<HOSTNAME>) está BAIXO
DOWN Widget movido para baixo
System Error : <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) is <DOWN/UP><br>Site: <SITE><br>Location: <LOCATION><br>Reason: <MESSAGE><br><br>Average system response : <AVG_TIME> ms<br>System availability: <AVAILABILITY><br>Total Checks Since Clear: <TOT_POLL><br>Total Failed Checks: <FAIL_POLL><br>Last Date Checked DOWN : <LAST_FAIL><br>Devices Previously UP for: <DOWNTIME><br>NOTE: <NOTES> Erro de sistema : <(<HOSTNAME>) é <DOWN/UP><br>Reason: <MESSAGEM><br><br>Resposta média do sistema: <AVG_TIME> ms<br>Disponibilidade do sistema: <AVAILABILITY><br>Total Checks Since Clear: <TOT_POLL><br>Total Failed Checks: <FAIL_POLL><br>Last Date Checked DOWN : <LAST_FAIL><br>Devices Previously UP for: <DWNTIME><br>NOTE: <NOTES>
Thresholds Limiares
(actions) Acções
(edit) (Editar)
(save) Guardar
(add) (adicionar)
Threshold Logs Limiares
Device Status Estado do dispositivo
Thresholds - Failures Limiares - Falhas
Thresholds - Normal Limiares - Normal
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/thold
The following strings have the same context and source.
Needs editing Cacti/core
Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Portuguese (Portugal)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/pt-PT.po, string 114