
English Dutch
This is the message that will be displayed at the top of all Threshold Alerts (1024 Char MAX). HTML is allowed, but will be removed for text only Emails. There are several common replacement tags that may be used in include:<br>&#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060HOST_ID&#062 &#060SITE&#062 &#060LOCATION&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060BREACHED_ITEMS&#062 &#060URL&#062 &#060GRAPHID&#062 &#060THOLD_ID&#062 &#060CURRENTVALUE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDNAME&#062 &#060DSNAME&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060GRAPH&#062 &#60NOTES&#62 &#060DNOTES&#062 Dit is het bericht dat wordt weergegeven bovenaan alle drempelwaarschuwingen (255 Char MAX). HTML is toegestaan, maar zal worden verwijderd voor alleen tekst in e-mails. Er zijn verschillende descriptoren die gebruikt kunnen worden.<br>&#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060URL&#062 &#060GRAPHID&#062 &#060CURRENTVALUE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDNAME&#062 &#060DSNAME&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060GRAPH&#062 &#60NOTES&#62 &#060DNOTES&#062
An Alert has been issued that requires your attention. <br><br><strong>Device</strong>: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>)<br><strong>URL</strong>: <URL><br><strong>Message</strong>: <SUBJECT><br><br><GRAPH> Er is een Alert uitgegeven dat uw aandacht vraagt. <br><br><br><sterk>Apparaat</sterk>: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>)<br><strong>URL</strong>: <URL><br><br><sterk>Bericht</sterk>: <SUBJECT><br><br><br><br><GRAPH>
Threshold Warning Message Drempel Waarschuwingsbericht
This is the message that will be displayed at the top of all Threshold warnings (1024 Char MAX). HTML is allowed, but will be removed for text only Emails. There are several common replacement tags that may be used in include:<br>&#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060HOST_ID&#062 &#060SITE&#062 &#060LOCATION&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060BREACHED_ITEMS&#062 &#060URL&#062 &#060GRAPHID&#062 &#060THOLD_ID&#062 &#060CURRENTVALUE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDNAME&#062 &#060DSNAME&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060GRAPH&#062 &#60NOTES&#62 &#060DNOTES&#062 Dit is het bericht dat wordt weergegeven bovenaan alle drempelwaarschuwingen (255 Char MAX). HTML is toegestaan, maar zal worden verwijderd voor alleen tekst in e-mails. Er zijn verschillende descriptoren die gebruikt kunnen worden.<br>&#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060URL&#062 &#060GRAPHID&#062 &#060CURRENTVALUE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDNAME&#062 &#060DSNAME&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060GRAPH&#062 &#60NOTES&#62 &#060DNOTES&#062
A Warning has been issued that requires your attention. <br><br><strong>Device</strong>: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>)<br><strong>URL</strong>: <URL><br><strong>Message</strong>: <SUBJECT><br><br><GRAPH> Er is een waarschuwing uitgevaardigd die uw aandacht vereist. <br><br><br><sterk>Apparaat</sterk>: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>)<br><strong>URL</strong>: <URL><br><br><sterk>Bericht</sterk>: <SUBJECT><br><br><br><br><GRAPH>
Threshold Restoral Message Drempel Waarschuwingsbericht
This is the message that will be displayed at the top of all Threshold restoral notifications (1024 Chars MAX). HTML is allowed, but will be removed for text only Emails. There are several common replacement tags that may be used in include:<br>&#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060HOST_ID&#062 &#060SITE&#062 &#060LOCATION&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060BREACHED_ITEMS&#062 &#060URL&#062 &#060GRAPHID&#062 &#060THOLD_ID&#062 &#060CURRENTVALUE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDNAME&#062 &#060DSNAME&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060GRAPH&#062 &#60NOTES&#62 &#060DNOTES&#062 Dit is het bericht dat wordt weergegeven bovenaan alle drempelwaarschuwingen (255 Char MAX). HTML is toegestaan, maar zal worden verwijderd voor alleen tekst in e-mails. Er zijn verschillende descriptoren die gebruikt kunnen worden.<br>&#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060URL&#062 &#060GRAPHID&#062 &#060CURRENTVALUE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDNAME&#062 &#060DSNAME&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060GRAPH&#062 &#60NOTES&#62 &#060DNOTES&#062
A Threshold has returned to normal status. <br><br><strong>Device</strong>: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>)<br><strong>URL</strong>: <URL><br><strong>Message</strong>: <SUBJECT><br><br><GRAPH> Er is een Alert uitgegeven dat uw aandacht vraagt. <br><br><br><sterk>Apparaat</sterk>: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>)<br><strong>URL</strong>: <URL><br><br><sterk>Bericht</sterk>: <SUBJECT><br><br><br><br><GRAPH>
Thold Driedelig
Duplicate Dupliceer
Associate Associëren
Disassociate Loskoppelen
Devices Apparaten
Click 'Continue' to Delete Notification Lists(s). Any Device(s) or Threshold(s) associated with the List(s) will be reverted to the default. Klik op 'Doorgaan' om de kennisgevingslijsten te verwijderen. Alle Apparaten of Drempel(s) die bij de Lijst(en) horen, worden teruggezet naar de standaardinstelling.
Cancel Annuleer
Continue Volgende
Delete Notification List(s) Kennisgevingslijst(en) verwijderen
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate the following Notification List(s). Klik op 'Doorgaan' om de volgende kennisgevingslijst(en) te dupliceren.
New List Name Nieuwe lijst naam
New Notification List Nieuwe kennisgevingslijst
Duplicate Notification List(s) Dubbele kennisgevingslijst(en)
%s Threshold Template(s) %s Drempelwaarde(n) Sjabloon(s)
Click 'Continue' to Association the Notification List '%s' with the Threshold Template(s) below. Klik op 'Doorgaan' om de kennisgevingslijst '%s' te associëren met de onderstaande drempelwaarde(n).
No Change Geen wijzigingen
Notification List Only Alleen kennisgevingslijst
Notification List, Retain Other Settings Notificatielijst, andere instellingen behouden
Warning Membership: Waarschuwing Lidmaatschap:
Alert Membership: Alarmlidmaatschap:
Associate Notification List(s) Bijbehorende kennisgevingslijst(en)
Click 'Continue' to Disassociate the Notification List '%s' from the Thresholds Template(s) below. Klik op 'Doorgaan' om de kennisgevingslijst '%s' te scheiden van de onderstaande drempelwaarde(n).
Remove List Lijst verwijderen
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/thold
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/wmi
Propagated Translated Cacti/mikrotik
Propagated Translated Cacti/syslog
Propagated Translated Cacti/mactrack
Propagated Translated Cacti/maint
Propagated Translated Cacti/hmib
Propagated Translated Cacti/gexport
Propagated Translated Cacti/reportit
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
Propagated Translated Cacti/core
Propagated Translated Cacti/servcheck
Propagated Translated Cacti/flowview
Propagated Translated Cacti/routerconfigs
Propagated Translated Cacti/webseer


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Dutch
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/nl-NL.po, string 298