
English Chinese (Traditional)
You have the option to make this a partitioned table by days. You can create multiple partitions per day. 在MySQL 5.1.6及更高版本中,您可以選擇按天劃分一個分區表。在此版本之前,您只能使用傳統的表結構。
Traditional Table 傳統表
Partitioned Table 分區表
Retention Policy 保留政策
Choose how many days of Syslog values you wish to maintain in the database. 選擇要在數據庫中維護的Syslog值的天數。
Partitions per Day 每天分區
Select the number of partitions per day that you wish to create. 選擇您希望每天創建的分區數。
%d Per Day %d每天
Upgrade 升級
Install 安裝
Syslog %s Advisor Syslog%s顧問
WARNING: Syslog Upgrade is Time Consuming!!! 警告:Syslog升級是耗時的!
The upgrade of the 'main' syslog table can be a very time consuming process. As such, it is recommended that you either reduce the size of your syslog table prior to upgrading, or choose the background option</p> <p>If you choose the background option, your legacy syslog table will be renamed, and a new syslog table will be created. Then, an upgrade process will be launched in the background. Again, this background process can quite a bit of time to complete. However, your data will be preserved</p> <p>Regardless of your choice, all existing removal and alert rules will be maintained during the upgrade process.</p> <p>Press <b>'Upgrade'</b> to proceed with the upgrade, or <b>'Cancel'</b> to return to the Plugins menu. 'main'系統日誌表的升級可能是一個非常耗時的過程。因此,建議您在升級之前減小syslog表的大小,或者選擇後台選項</p><p>如果選擇後台選項,則將重命名舊的syslog表,並將創建新的syslog表。然後,將在後台啟動升級過程。同樣,這個後台進程可能需要相當多的時間才能完成。但是,您的數據將被保留</p><p>無論您的選擇如何,在升級過程中都將保留所有現有的刪除和警報規則。 </p><p>按<b>“升級”</b>繼續升級,或按<b>“取消”</b>返回“插件”菜單。
You can also select the retention duration. Please keep in mind that if you have several hosts logging to syslog, this table can become quite large. So, if not using partitioning, you might want to keep the size smaller. 您也可以選擇保留期限。請記住,如果您有多個主機登錄到syslog,則此表可能會變得非常大。因此,如果不使用分區,您可能希望保持較小的大小。
You can also set the MySQL storage engine. If you have not tuned you system for InnoDB storage properties, it is strongly recommended that you utilize the MyISAM storage engine. 您還可以設置MySQL存儲引擎。如果您尚未針對InnoDB存儲屬性調整系統,則強烈建議您使用MyISAM存儲引擎。
You have several options to choose from when installing Syslog. The first is the Database Architecture. You should elect to utilize Table Partitioning to prevent the size of the tables from becoming excessive thus slowing queries. 安裝Syslog時有幾個選項可供選擇。第一個是數據庫架構。從MySQL 5.1.6開始,您可以選擇使用表分區來防止表的大小變得過大,從而減慢查詢速度。
Syslog %s Settings Syslog%s設置
What uninstall method do you want to use? 你想用什麼卸載方法?
When uninstalling syslog, you can remove everything, or only components, just in case you plan on re-installing in the future. 卸載syslog時,您可以刪除所有內容或僅刪除組件,以防您計劃將來重新安裝。
Remove Everything (Logs, Tables, Settings) 刪除所有內容(日誌,表格,設置)
Syslog Data Only 僅限Syslog數據
Syslog Uninstall Preferences Syslog卸載首選項
Uninstall 解除安裝
Cancel 取消
Syslog 系統日誌
General Settings 一般設定
Syslog Enabled 已啟用Syslog
If this checkbox is set, records will be transferred from the Syslog Incoming table to the main syslog table and Alerts and Reports will be enabled. Please keep in mind that if the system is disabled log entries will still accumulate into the Syslog Incoming table as this is defined by the rsyslog or syslog-ng process. 如果設置了此復選框,則記錄將從Syslog Incoming表傳輸到主syslog表,並且將啟用Alerts and Reports。請記住,如果系統被禁用,日誌條目仍會累積到Syslog Incoming表中,因為這是由rsyslog或syslog-ng進程定義的。
Enable Statistics Gathering 啟用統計信息收集
If this checkbox is set, statistics on where syslog messages are arriving from will be maintained. This statistical information can be used to render things such as heat maps. 如果設置了此復選框,則將保留有關syslog消息來自何處的統計信息。此統計信息可用於渲染熱圖等內容。
Strip Domains 剝離域


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String information

Source string location
String age
6 days ago
Source string age
6 days ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 61