
English Chinese (Simplified)
Updated 更新
ERROR: Alert '%s' %s Failed! 错误:警报'%s'%s失败!
Update 更新
Reprocess 正在重新处理
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Syslog Removal Rule(s). 单击“继续”以删除以下Syslog删除规则。
Delete Syslog Removal Rule(s) 删除Syslog删除规则
Click 'Continue' to Disable the following Syslog Removal Rule(s). 单击“继续”以禁用以下Syslog删除规则。
Disable Syslog Removal Rule(s) 禁用Syslog删除规则
Click 'Continue' to Enable the following Syslog Removal Rule(s). 单击“继续”以启用以下Syslog删除规则。
Enable Syslog Removal Rule(s) 启用Syslog删除规则
Click 'Continue' to Re-process the following Syslog Removal Rule(s). 单击“继续”以重新处理以下Syslog删除规则。
Retroactively Process Syslog Removal Rule(s) 追溯处理Syslog删除规则
Click 'Continue' to Export the following Syslog Removal Rule(s). 单击“继续”以导出以下Syslog删除规则。
Export Syslog Removal Rule(s) 导出Syslog删除规则
Rule '%s' resulted in %s/%s messages removed/transferred 删除了%s消息,并传输了%s消息
Removal Rule Edit [edit: %s] 删除规则编辑[编辑:%s]
Removal Rule Edit [new] 删除规则编辑[新]
New Removal Record 新删除记录
New Removal Rule 新删除规则
Removal Rule Details 删除规则详细信息
Removal Rule Name 删除规则名称
Please describe this Removal Rule. 请描述此删除规则。
Enabled? 启用?
Is this Removal Rule Enabled? 此移除规则是否已启用?
String Match Type 字符串匹配类型
Syslog Message Match String 系统日志消息匹配字符串
Method of Removal 移除方法
Deletion 删除插件
Transferal 转让
Removal Rule Notes 删除规则说明
Space for Notes on the Removal rule 关于删除规则的注释空间


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

PHP format

Following format strings are missing: %s



English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 322