
English Chinese (Simplified)
Notification List 通知列表
Use the contents of this Notification List to dictate who should be notified and how. 使用此通知列表的内容来规定应通知谁以及如何通知。
Emails to Notify 电子邮件通知
Please enter a comma delimited list of Email addresses to inform. If you wish to send out Email to a recipient in SMS format, please prefix that recipient's Email address with <b>'sms@'</b>. For example, if the recipients SMS address is <b>'[email protected]'</b>, you would enter it as <b>'sms@[email protected]'</b> and it will be formatted as an SMS message. 请输入逗号分隔的电子邮件地址列表以通知。如果您希望以短信格式向收件人发送电子邮件,请在收件人的电子邮件地址前加上<b>“sms @”</b> 。例如,如果收件人的SMS地址为<b>“[email protected]”</b> ,则将其输入为<b>“sms @ 2485551212 @”</b> ,并将其格式化为SMS消息。
Email Body Text 正文文本
This information will appear in the body of the Alert just before the Alert details. 将包含在报告正文中的信息。
Open Ticket 创建工单
Should a Help Desk Ticket be opened for this Alert. NOTE: The Ticket command script will be populated with several 'ALERT_' environment variables for convenience. 是否应为此警报打开帮助台工单。注意:为方便起见,Ticket 命令脚本将填充几个“ALERT_”环境变量。
Command 命令
When an Alert is triggered, run the following command. The following replacement variables are available <b>'&lt;HOSTNAME&gt;'</b>, <b>'&lt;ALERTID&gt;'</b>, <b>'&lt;MESSAGE&gt;'</b>, <b>'&lt;FACILITY&gt;'</b>, <b>'&lt;PRIORITY&gt;'</b>, <b>'&lt;SEVERITY&gt;'</b>. Please note that <b>'&lt;HOSTNAME&gt;'</b> is only available on individual thresholds. These replacement values can appear on the command line, or be gathered from the environment of the script. When used from the environment, those variables will be prefixed with 'ALERT_'. 触发警报时,请运行以下命令。以下替换变量可用于<b>“&lt;HOSTNAME&gt;”</b> , <b>“&lt;ALERTID&gt;”</b> , <b>“&lt;MESSAGE&gt;”</b> , <b>“&lt;FACILITY&gt;”</b> , <b>“&lt;PRIORITY&gt;”</b> , <b>“&lt;SEVERITY&gt;”</b> 。请注意, <b>&#39;&lt;HOSTNAME&gt;&#39;</b>仅适用于各个阈值。
Rows 行数:
Import 导入
Syslog Alert Filters 系统日志警报过滤器
Method 方法
Threshold Count 门槛数
Search String 搜索字符串
Email Addresses 电子邮件地址
Last Modified 上一次更改
By User 按用户
Multiple 多个
No Syslog Alerts Defined 没有系统日志警报定义
Import Alert Rule from Local File 从本地文件导入警报规则
If the XML file containing the Alert Rule definition data is located on your local machine, select it here. 如果包含警报规则定义数据的XML文件位于本地计算机上,请在此处选择它。
Import Alert Rule from Text 从文本导入警报规则
If you have the XML file containing the Alert Ruledefinition data as text, you can paste it into this box to import it. 如果您将包含Alert Ruledefinition数据的XML文件作为文本,则可以将其粘贴到此框中以将其导入。
Import Alert Rule 导入警报规则
Imported 导入的
NOTE: Alert '%s' %s! 注意:提醒'%s'%s!
Updated 更新
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/syslog
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
Propagated Translated Cacti/core
Propagated Translated Cacti/flowview


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
syslog_alerts.php:876 syslog_removal.php:705
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 292