Source string Source string

Reporting Level
For recording Re-Alert Cycles, should the Alert be tracked at the System or Device level.
Reporting Method
Define how to Alert on the syslog messages.
For the 'Threshold' method, If the number seen is above this value an Alert will be triggered.
Match Type
Define how you would like this string matched. If using the SQL Expression type you may use any valid SQL expression to generate the alarm. Available fields include 'message', 'facility', 'priority', and 'host'.
Message Match String
Enter the matching component of the syslog message, the facility or host name, or the SQL where clause if using the SQL Expression Match Type.
Is this Alert Enabled?
Re-Alert Cycle
Do not resend this alert again for the same host, until this amount of time has elapsed. For threshold based alarms, this applies to all hosts.
Space for Notes on the Alert
Email Options
Notification List
Use the contents of this Notification List to dictate who should be notified and how.
Emails to Notify
Please enter a comma delimited list of Email addresses to inform. If you wish to send out Email to a recipient in SMS format, please prefix that recipient's Email address with <b>'sms@'</b>. For example, if the recipients SMS address is <b>'[email protected]'</b>, you would enter it as <b>'sms@[email protected]'</b> and it will be formatted as an SMS message.
Email Body Text
This information will appear in the body of the Alert just before the Alert details.
Open Ticket
Should a Help Desk Ticket be opened for this Alert. NOTE: The Ticket command script will be populated with several 'ALERT_' environment variables for convenience.
When an Alert is triggered, run the following command. The following replacement variables are available <b>'&lt;HOSTNAME&gt;'</b>, <b>'&lt;ALERTID&gt;'</b>, <b>'&lt;MESSAGE&gt;'</b>, <b>'&lt;FACILITY&gt;'</b>, <b>'&lt;PRIORITY&gt;'</b>, <b>'&lt;SEVERITY&gt;'</b>. Please note that <b>'&lt;HOSTNAME&gt;'</b> is only available on individual thresholds. These replacement values can appear on the command line, or be gathered from the environment of the script. When used from the environment, those variables will be prefixed with 'ALERT_'.


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

Long untranslated

The string has not been translated for a long time



English English
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/cacti.pot, string 273