
English Chinese (Traditional)
The unit given to this measurand. e.g. 'Bits/s' 為此被測變數提供的單位。例如:'Bits/s'
Consolidation function 合併功能
The name of the consolidation function to define which CDPs should be read out. 用於定義應讀出哪些 CDP 的合併函數的名稱。
Choose 'enable' if this measurand should be become part of the final report output. Leave it unflagged if this measurands will only be used as an auxiliary calculation. 如果此測量物件應成為最終報告輸出的一部分,請選擇 'enable'。如果此 measurands 僅用作輔助計算,則保持未標記狀態。
Choose 'enable' if this measurand will only have one result in total instead of one for every Data Source Item. It's result<br>will be shown separately. Use this option in combination with "Visible" = "off" if you are looking for a measurand keeping an interim result only that should be reused within the calculation of other measurands without being visible for end users. 如果此測量物件總共只有一個結果,而不是每個數據源項都有一個結果,請選擇“啟用”。這是結果<br>將單獨顯示。如果要查找僅保留應在其他被測變數的計算中重複使用而不對最終用戶可見的被測變數,請將此選項與 “Visible” = “off” 結合使用。
Formatting 格式設定
Defines as what type the data should be treated as. 定義應將數據視為的類型。
Precision 精度
Defines how many decimal digits should be displayed for floating-point numbers. 定義浮點數應顯示多少個十進位數位。
Prefixes 前綴
Choose the type of prefix being used to format the result. With the use of decimal prefixes '1024' will be formatted to '1.024k' while the binary prefixes option returns '1ki'. Select 'off' to display the raw data, here '1024'. 選擇用於設置結果格式的前置綴類型。使用十進位前綴時,“1024”將被格式化為“1.024k”,而二進位前綴選項將返回“1ki”。選擇 'off' 顯示原始數據,這裡是 '1024'。
Formula 計算公式
The mathematical definition of this measurand. Allowed are all combinations of operators and operands listed below following the rules of mathematics. Use round and square brackets to signify complex terms and the order of operations. 此 measurand 的數學定義。允許遵循數學規則的下面列出的運算元和操作數的所有組合。使用圓括弧和方括弧表示複雜術語和操作順序。
Operators & Operands 運算子和操作數
Click on one of the listed operators or operand to append them to your calucalion formula. The tooltip will show you additional information like description, return value, arguments and usage. 按兩下列出的運算子或操作數之一,將它們附加到您的計算公式中。工具提示將向您顯示其他資訊,如描述、返回值、參數和用法。
Metrics [ Template: %s - %s ] 調整所選圖表模板的大小
No Metrics Found 沒有找到報告
Reports Filter Reports 過濾器
My Reports 我的報表
Go 送出
Clear 清除
Period (From - To) 期間 (從 - 到)
No Reports Found 沒有找到報告
Metric 公里
Data Source 資料來源
Show Top 10 Graphs 顯示 TOP10 圖表
Show Subheads 顯示副標題
Show Summary 顯示摘要
Additional 額外
Items 項目
Archive 檔案


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Things to check

PHP format

Following format strings are missing: %s



English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
12 days ago
Source string age
12 days ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 578