
English Chinese (Traditional)
Enter a message which will be displayed in the body of your email 輸入將顯示在電子郵件正文中的消息
This is a scheduled report generated from Cacti. 這是從 Cacti 產生的計劃報告。
Attachment 附件
Only to receive an email as a notification that a new report is available choose 'None'.<br> Otherwise select the format the report should be attached as. 要僅接收新報表可用的電子郵件通知,請選擇“無”。<br> 否則,請選擇報表應附加的格式。
Email Recipients Email 收件人
Notification List Recipients 通知清單收件者
To add a Recipients based upon an valid Notification List. 根據有效的通知清單添加收件者。
New Email Recipients 新電子郵件收件者
To add a new recipient enter a valid email address (required) and a name (optional).<br> For a faster setup use a list of adresses/names where the names/addresses are separated with one of the following delemiters: ';' or ',' 要添加新收件者,請輸入有效的電子郵件位址 (必填) 和姓名 (可選)。<br> 為了更快地設置,請使用位址/名稱清單,其中名稱/位址用以下分隔符之一分隔:';' 或 ','
Scheduled Reporting 計劃報告
Enable 啟用
Enable/disable scheduled reporting. Sliding time frame should be enabled. 啟用/禁用計劃報告。應啟用滑動時間框架。
Frequency 頻率
Select the frequency for processing this Report. ReportIt has a basic scheduler that will dispatch reports at midnight each day based upon the dispatch frequency specified by the user. 選擇處理此 Report 的頻率。ReportIt 有一個基本的計劃程式,它將根據使用者指定的分發頻率在每天午夜分發報告。
Auto Generated Data Items 自動生成的數據項
Enable/disable automatic creation of all data items based on given filters.This will be called before report execution. Obsolete RRDs will be deleted and all RRDs matching the filter settings will be added. 啟用/禁用基於給定過濾器自動創建所有數據項。這將在報表執行之前調用。 過時的 RRD 將被刪除,並且將添加與過濾器設置匹配的所有 RRD。
Auto Generated Archive 自動生成的存檔
Define the maximum number of instances which should be archived before the first one will be overwritten. Choose "off" if you want to deactivate that RoundRobbin principle (default, but not recommend). If you define a lower value of instances than the current archive contains then it will get shrunk automatically within the next run. 定義在覆蓋第一個實例之前應存檔的最大實例數。 如果要停用該 RoundRobbin 原則,請選擇 「off」 (預設,但不建議)。 如果您定義的實例值低於當前存檔包含的實例值,則它將在下次運行中自動收縮。
Auto Generated Email 自動生成的電子郵件
If enabled tab 'Email' will be activated and all recipients defined under that section will receive automatically an email containing this scheduled report. 如果啟用,選項卡「電子郵件」將被啟動,並且在該部分下定義的所有收件人都將自動收到一封包含此計劃報表的電子郵件。
Auto Generated Export 自動生成的導出
If enabled the report will be automatically exported to a separate subfolder. This will be placed within the export folder defined in the report template. 如果啟用,報表將自動匯出到單獨的子資料夾。 這將放置在報表範本中定義的導出資料夾中。
Export Limitation 匯出限制
Define the maximum number of instances which should be archived before the first one will be overwritten. Choose 'off' if you want to deactivate that RoundRobbin principle (default, but not recommend). If you define a lower value of instances than the current export folder contains then it will get shrunk automatically within the next run. 定義在覆蓋第一個實例之前應存檔的最大實例數。 如果要停用該 RoundRobbin 原則,請選擇 'off' (預設,但不建議)。 如果定義的實例值低於當前匯出資料夾包含的實例值,則它將在下次運行中自動縮小。
Raw Data Export 原始數據匯出
If enabled auto generated exports will contain raw data only. The formatting of measurands will be ignored. 如果啟用,自動生成的匯出將僅包含原始數據。被測變數的格式將被忽略。
Change Report Owner 更改報告擁有者
Change the owner of this report. Only users with a minimum of reporting rights ('View' or higher) can be selected. 更改此報告的所有者。只能選擇具有最低報告許可權(“查看”或更高許可權)的使用者。
Enable Use of Graph Permissions 啟用圖形許可權
If enabled (default) the list of available data items will be filtered automatically by owner's graph permission: 'by device'. 如果啟用(預設),則可用數據項清單將按所有者的圖形許可權自動過濾:“by device”。
Optional Sub-heading [可選]版本


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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 265