
English Chinese (Simplified)
You must select at least one Report Template. 您必须至少选择一个 Report Template。
Delete Report Templates 删除报告模板
Duplicate Report Templates 重复的报告模板
Export Report Templates 导出报告模板
Variables [Template: <a class='linkEditMain' href='templates.php?action=template_edit&id= 变量 [模板: <a class='linkEditMain' href='templates.php?action=template_edit&id=
No Variables Found 未找到变量
Maximum has to be greater than minimum. 最大值必须大于最小值。
Default value is out of values range. 默认值超出值范围。
Variable Configuration [edit: %s] 变量配置[编辑:%s]
Variable Configuration [new] 变量配置 [new]
Internal name 内部名称
A unique identifier which will be created by ReportIt itself. Use this ID within the definition of your calculation formulas to include that value the report user has defined individually for it. 将由 ReportIt 本身创建的唯一标识符。在计算公式的定义中使用此 ID,以包含报表用户为其单独定义的值。
A name like "Threshold" for example which should be used as a headline within the report config. 例如,类似于“阈值”的名称,应将其用作报表配置中的标题。
A short, pithy description that explains the sense of this variable. 一个简短而精辟的描述,解释了这个变量的含义。
Your description 您的描述
Maximum Value 最大值
Defines the upper limit of this variable. 定义此变量的上限。
Minimum Value 最小值
Defines the lower limit of this variable. 定义此变量的下限。
Default Value 默认值
Sets the default value. 返回最低值.
The method the report owner should use to define this variable. 报表所有者应该用来定义此变量的方法。
Defines the distance between two values if method "DropDown" has been chosen. Please ensure that this value is not set too low, because it defines indirectly the number of options the dropdown field will have. For example the following parameters: MAX:100, MIN:0, STEP:0.01 will result in a select box of 10.001 options. This can cause dramatical performance issues due to a high CPU load at the clients side. Try to keep it under 1000. 如果选择了方法 “DropDown”,则定义两个值之间的距离。请确保此值不要设置得太低,因为它间接定义了下拉字段将具有的选项数量。例如,以下参数:MAX:100、MIN:0、STEP:0.01 将产生一个包含 10.001 个选项的选择框。由于客户端的 CPU 负载较高,这可能会导致严重的性能问题。尽量将其保持在 1000 以下。
Click 'Continue to Delete the following variables. 单击 'Continue 以删除以下变量。
List of selected variables: 所选变量列表:
Variable : %s 变量:%s
There are one or more variables in use. 有一个或多个变量正在使用。
You must select at least one variable. 您必须至少选择一个变量。
Delete Template Variables 删除模板变量
Reports Filter Reports 过滤器
My Reports 我的报销单


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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 561