
English Chinese (Simplified)
Auto Generated Export 自动生成的导出
If enabled the report will be automatically exported to a separate subfolder. This will be placed within the export folder defined in the report template. 如果启用,报表将自动导出到单独的子文件夹。 这将放置在报表模板中定义的导出文件夹中。
Export Limitation 导出限制
Define the maximum number of instances which should be archived before the first one will be overwritten. Choose 'off' if you want to deactivate that RoundRobbin principle (default, but not recommend). If you define a lower value of instances than the current export folder contains then it will get shrunk automatically within the next run. 定义在覆盖第一个实例之前应存档的最大实例数。 如果要停用该 RoundRobbin 原则,请选择 'off' (默认,但不建议)。 如果定义的实例值低于当前导出文件夹包含的实例值,则它将在下次运行中自动缩小。
Raw Data Export 原始数据导出
If enabled auto generated exports will contain raw data only. The formatting of measurands will be ignored. 如果启用,自动生成的导出将仅包含原始数据。被测变量的格式将被忽略。
Change Report Owner 更改报告所有者
Change the owner of this report. Only users with a minimum of reporting rights ('View' or higher) can be selected. 更改此报告的所有者。只能选择具有最低报告权限(“查看”或更高权限)的用户。
Enable Use of Graph Permissions 启用图形权限
If enabled (default) the list of available data items will be filtered automatically by owner's graph permission: 'by device'. 如果启用(默认),则可用数据项列表将按所有者的图形权限自动过滤:“by device”。
Optional Sub-heading [可选]版本
Define an additional subhead that should be on display under the interface description.<br> Following variables will be supported (without quotes): '|t1|' '|t2|' '|tmz|' '|d1|' '|d2|' 定义应在接口描述下显示的附加子标题。<br> 将支持以下变量(不带引号):'|t1|''|t2|''|tmz|''|d1|''|d2|'
Time Zone 时区
Select the time zone your following shifttime informations will be based on. 选择您的以下 shifttime 信息将基于的时区。
Optional Data Source Pre-Filters 附加预过滤器
Site Filter 报告过滤器
Use this Sites matching Data Sources only.<br>Select 'None' (default) to deactivate this filter setting. 仅使用属于此主机模板主机的数据项。<br>选择 'None' (默认) 以停用此过滤器设置。
Device Template Filter 删除模板变量
Use this Device Templates Data Sources only.<br>Select 'None' (default) to deactivate this filter setting. 仅使用属于此主机模板主机的数据项。<br>选择 'None' (默认) 以停用此过滤器设置。
Data Source Name Filter 数据源别名
Use Data Sources whose names match this filter.<br> Use SQL wildcards like % and/or _. No regular Expressions! 允许对数据项描述进行其他筛选。<br> 使用 SQL 通配符,如 % and/或 _。没有正则表达式!
Working Time 工作时间
The startpoint of duration you want to analyse 要分析的持续时间的起点
The end of analysing time. 分析时间的结束。
Working Days 工作日
Define the band of days where shift STARTS! 定义轮班开始的天数范围!
Example: For a nightshift from Mo(22:30) till Sat(06:30) define Monday to Friday 示例:对于从 Mo(22:30) 到周六 (06:30) 的夜班,请定义周一至周五
The name given to this report 此报表的名称
Template 模板


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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
5 months ago
Source string age
5 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 285