
English Chinese (Simplified)
Separate Group Title [overall] 单独的组标题[总体]
Optional: You can define an group name which should be displayed as the title for all separate measurands within the reports. 可选:您可以定义一个组名,该组名应显示为报告中所有单独的被测量者的标题。
Mailer Error: No <b>TO</b> address set!!<br>If using the <i>Test Mail</i> link, please set the <b>Alert e-mail</b> setting. 邮件错误: 无<b>目标 </ b>地址设置!! <br>如果使用 <i> 测试邮件 </i> 链接, 请设置<b>警报电子邮件</b>设置.
Unknown Owner 未知的所有者
The file is to big. 文件太大了.
Incomplete file transfer. 文件传输不完整。
No file uploaded. 无上传文件.
Temporary folder missing. 临时文件夹丢失。
Failed to write file to disk 无法将文件写入磁盘
File upload stopped by extension 文件上传已停止
Invalid file extension. 无效的文件扩展名。
Unable to parse template file. 无法解析模板文件。
Checksum error with Template %s in XML file XML文件中模板%s的校验和错误
Measurands [Template: <a class='linkEditMain' href='templates.php?action=template_edit&id= 被测量者[模板:<a class ='linkEditMain'href ='templates.php?action = template_edit&id =
No Measurands Found 被测量
Duplicate abbreviation 重复的缩写
Interim results are used by other measurands. 中期结果被其他被测量者使用。
Measurand Configuration [edit: %s] 变量配置[编辑:%s]
Measurand Configuration [new] 变量配置[新]
The explanation given to this measurand. This will be shown as legend within exports as well as a tooltip within the presentation of a report itself. 对这种被测物的解释。这将在导出中显示为图例,并在报告本身的显示中显示为工具提示。
Define a unique abbreviation for this measurand with max. 8 letters/numbers. 为此参数定义唯一的缩写,最大值为。 8个字母/数字。
The unit given to this measurand. e.g. 'Bits/s' 本报告的名称
Consolidation function 合并功能
The name of the consolidation function to define which CDPs should be read out. 合并功能的名称,用于定义应读取哪些CDP。
Choose 'enable' if this measurand should be become part of the final report output. Leave it unflagged if this measurands will only be used as an auxiliary calculation. 如果此被测量项应成为最终报告输出的一部分,请选择“启用”。如果此被量仅将用作辅助计算,则不要标记它。
Choose 'enable' if this measurand will only have one result in total instead of one for every Data Source Item. It's result<br>will be shown separately. Use this option in combination with "Visible" = "off" if you are looking for a measurand keeping an interim result only that should be reused within the calculation of other measurands without being visible for end users. 如果此被测量项总共只有一个结果,而不是每个数据源项一个,则选择“启用”。结果<br>将分别显示。如果您要查找被测量方,并且仅保留应在其他被测量方的计算中重用而最终用户不可见的中期结果,则将此选项与“ Visible” =“ off”结合使用。
Formatting 格式化
Type 类型
Defines as what type the data should be treated as. 定义应将数据视为哪种类型。
Precision 精度
Defines how many decimal digits should be displayed for floating-point numbers. 定义应为浮点数显示多少个十进制数字。


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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 352