
English Chinese (Simplified)
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Measurands. Notice: If there are no other Measurands left after this process, the Report Template will be locked automatically. 单击“继续”以删除以下被测量者。注意:如果在此过程之后没有其他被测量物,则报告模板将自动锁定。
List of selected measurands: 所选报告清单:
Measurand: %s 测量范围:%s
You must select at least one measurand. 您必须至少选择一个报告.
Cancel 取消
Continue 继续
Delete Template Measurands 删除报告模板
New Report 新报告
There are no unlocked and enabled report templates available (%s locked or disabled). 没有可用的未锁定和已启用的报告模板(%s已锁定或已禁用)。
Create a new report 创建一个新报告
Choose a template this report should depend on. 选择此报告应依赖的模板。
Report Filters 报告过滤器
Id Id
Period %s from - to 期间%s从-到
State 状态
Last run %s 上次运行%s
Runtime [s] 运行时[s]
Scheduled 计划
Data Items 50,0002,000个数据源项目(默认)
n/a 不可用
Add sources 添加资源
Edit sources 数据源
Report has been locked 模板已被暂时锁定
No reports 报告
Not authorised 未经授权
Add Data Items 添加数据项
Report Configuration (%s) %s 报告配置(%s)%s
No recipients found 找不到收件人
- Email address of a recipient (or list of names) - - 收件人的电子邮件地址(或名单) -
[OPTIONAL] - Name of a recipient (or list of names) - [可选] - 收件人姓名(或姓名列表) -
Click 'Continue' to Run the following Report: 点击“继续”以删除以下报告:


User avatar tql

Translation changed

Cacti / reportitChinese (Simplified)

2 weeks ago
Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
reports.php:373 view.php:292
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 389