
English Swedish
How long would you like to retain DNS Cache history? Hur länge vill du behålla historiken för DNS Cache?
Address List Retention Bevarande av adresslistor
How long would you like to retain Address List history? Hur länge vill du behålla historiken för adresslistan?
Device Graph Automation Automatisering av enhetsgraf
Automatically Add New Graphs Lägg automatiskt till nya grafer
How often do you want to check for new objects to graph? Hur ofta vill du kontrollera om det finns nya objekt i grafen?
Never Aldrig
%d Minutes %d Protokoll
%d Hour %d timme
%d Hours %d timmar
%d Day %d Dag
%d Days %d Dagar
Exclude Users RegEx Exkludera användare RegEx
User names that match this regex will not be graphed automatically Användarnamn som matchar denna regex kommer inte att visas i grafen automatiskt
Exclude Users Time to Live Utesluta användare Tid att leva
How long should an excluded user's data be preserved after they have disconnected. Hur länge ska en utesluten användares data bevaras efter att de har kopplat bort sig?
MikroTik Device Collection Frequencies Frekvenser för insamling av MikroTik-enheter
Storage Frequency Lagringsfrekvens
How often do you want to scan Storage Statistics? Hur ofta vill du skanna Storage Statistics?
Processor Frequency Processorfrekvens
How often do you want to scan Device Processor Statistics? Hur ofta vill du skanna Device Processor Statistics?
Interfaces Frequency Gränssnitt Frekvens
How often do you want to scan the Interfaces? Hur ofta vill du skanna gränssnitten?
DNS/DHCP/List Frequency DNS/DHCP/List Frekvens
How often do you want to scan the DNS/DHCP/Address Lists? Hur ofta vill du skanna DNS/DHCP/Adresslistorna?
MikroTik Queue/Tree Collection Frequencies MikroTik Queue/Tree Collection Frekvenser
Simple Queue/PPPoe Frequency Enkel kö/PPPoe Frekvens
How often do you want to scan Simple Queue Statistics? Select <b>Disabled</b> to remove this feature. Hur ofta vill du skanna Simple Queue Statistics? Välj <b>Disabled</b> om du vill ta bort den här funktionen.
Queue Trees Frequency Köer Träd Frekvens
How often do you want to scan the Queue Trees? Select <b>Disabled</b> to remove this feature. Hur ofta vill du skanna kösystemen? Välj <b>Disabled</b> för att ta bort den här funktionen.
MikroTik Wireless Collection Frequencies MikroTik trådlös samling Frekvenser


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Translation uploaded

Cacti / mikrotikSwedish

12 hours ago
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Things to check

Mismatched question mark

Source and translation do not both end with a question mark


Mismatched full stop

Source and translation do not both end with a full stop



English Swedish
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/sv-SE.po, string 196 pending