
English Chinese (Traditional)
Cancel 取消
Continue 繼續
Update Maintenance Schedule(s) 維護計劃
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Maintenance Schedule(s). Any Devices(s) Associated with this Schedule will be Disassociated. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下維護計劃。與本附表相關的任何設備將被取消關聯。
Delete Maintenance Schedule(s) 維護計劃
You must select at least one Maintenance Schedule. 您必須至少選擇一個維護計劃。
Return 返回
Device(s) 設備)
Click 'Continue' to associate the following Device(s) with the Maintenance Schedule '<b>%s</b>'. 單擊“繼續”將以下設備與維護計劃' <b>%s</b> '相關聯。
Associate Maintenance Schedule(s) 維護計劃
Click 'Continue' to disassociate the following Device(s) with the Maintenance Schedule '<b>%s</b>'. 單擊“繼續”以取消以下設備與維護計劃' <b>%s</b> '的關聯。
Disassociate Maintenance Schedule(s) 維護計劃
You must select at least one Device. 您必須至少選擇一個設備。
Webseer(s) Webseer
Click 'Continue' to associate the Webseer(s) below with the Maintenance Schedule '<b>%s</b>'. 單擊“繼續”將以下設備與維護計劃' <b>%s</b> '相關聯。
Click 'Continue' to disassociate the Webseer(s) below from the Maintenance Schedule '<b>%s</b>'. 單擊“繼續”以取消下面的設備與維護計劃' <b>%s</b> '的關聯。
You must select at least one Webseer. 您必須至少選擇一個設備。
[edit: %s]
New Maintenance Schedule 新的維護計劃
General Settings %s 一般設置[新]
Schedule 排程
Schedule Name 附表名稱
Provide the Maintenance Schedule a meaningful name 為維護計劃提供有意義的名稱
Enabled 啟用
Whether or not this schedule will be checked. 是否檢查此閾值並提醒您。
Schedule Type 計劃類型
The type of schedule, one time or recurring. 時間表的類型,一次或重複。
Interval 間隔
This is the interval in which the start / end time will repeat. 這是開始/結束時間重複的時間間隔。
Start Time 開始時間


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Things to check

PHP format

Following format strings are missing: %s



English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 31