
English Chinese (Traditional)
Device Tracking Database Results 設備跟踪數據庫結果
The following number of records have been removed from the database: %s 已從資料庫中刪除以下數量的記錄: %s
Are you sure you want to delete all the Aggregated Port to MAC to IP results from the system? 您確定要從系統中刪除所有聚合端口到MAC到IP的結果嗎?
The following number of records have been removed from the aggergated table: %s 已從綜合表中刪除以下數量的記錄: %s
Are you sure you want to delete and recreate all the Aggregated Port to MAC to IP results from the system? 您確定要從系統中刪除並重新創建所有聚合端口到MAC到IP的結果嗎?
The following number of records have been removed from the aggergated table: %s. And %s records will be added. 已從綜合表中刪除以下數量的記錄: %s。將新增%s個記錄。
The Device Tracking scanning functions have been purged. They will be recreated once you either edit a device or device type. 設備跟踪掃描功能已被清除。編輯設備或設備類型後,將重新創建它們。
Cacti Device Tracking System Utilities 仙人掌裝置跟踪系統實用程序
Process Status Information 流程狀態信息
View Device Tracking Process Status 查看設備跟踪流程狀態
This option will let you show and set process information associated with the Device Tracking polling process. 此選項將允許您顯示和設置與設備跟踪輪詢過程關聯的過程信息。
Database Administration 數據庫管理
Perform Database Maintenance 執行數據庫維護
Deletes expired Port to MAC to IP associations from the database. Only records that have expired, based upon your criteria are removed. 從數據庫中刪除過期的端口到MAC到IP關聯。僅刪除基於您的條件已過期的記錄。
Refresh IEEE Vendor MAC/OUI Database 刷新IEEE供應商MAC / OUI數據庫
This function will download and install the latest OIU database from the IEEE Website. Each Network Interface Card (NIC) has a MAC Address. The MAC Address can be broken into two parts. The first part of the MAC Address contains the Vendor MAC. The Vendor MAC identifies who manufactured the part. This will be helpful in spot checking for rogue devices on your network. 此功能將從IEEE網站下載並安裝最新的OIU數據庫。每個網絡接口卡(NIC)都有一個MAC地址。 MAC地址可以分為兩部分。 MAC Addess的第一部分包含供應商MAC。供應商MAC識別製造零件的人員。這有助於對網絡上的惡意設備進行抽查。
Refresh Scanning Functions 刷新掃描功能
Deletes old and potentially stale Device Tracking scanning functions from the drop-down you receive when you edit a device type. 從編輯設備類型時收到的下拉列表中刪除舊的和可能過時的設備跟踪掃描功能。
Remove All Scan Results 刪除所有掃描結果
Deletes <strong>ALL</strong> Port to MAC to IP associations from the database all IP Addresses, IP Ranges, and VLANS. This utility is good when you want to start over. <strong>DANGER: All prior data is deleted.</strong> 從數據庫中刪除<strong>所有</strong>端口,IP範圍和VLAN的<strong>所有</strong>端口到MAC到IP關聯。當您想重新開始時,此實用程序很好。 <strong>危險:刪除所有先前的數據。</strong>
Aggregated Table Administration 聚合表管理
Remove All Aggregated Results 刪除所有聚合結果
Deletes ALL <strong>Aggregated</strong> (Not Scan Results) Port to MAC to IP associations from the database. Data will again be collected on the basis of <strong>only new</strong> scanned data in the next mactrack poller run. 從數據庫中刪除所有<strong>聚合</strong> (非掃描結果)端口到MAC到IP關聯。將在下一個mactrack輪詢器運行中<strong>僅</strong>基於<strong>新</strong>掃描數據再次收集數據。
Perform Aggregate Table Rebuild 執行聚合表重建
Deletes ALL <strong>Aggregated</strong> (Not Scan Results) Port to MAC to IP associations from the database and their re-creation based on <strong>All scanned data</strong> now. 從數據庫中刪除所有<strong>聚合</strong> (非掃描結果)端口到MAC到IP關聯,並立即根據<strong>所有掃描數據</strong>重新創建它們。
Device Tracking Vendor Mac Filter 設備跟踪供應商Mac過濾器
Vendor MAC 供應商MAC
Corporation 公司
Address 地址
Vendor Macs 供應商Macs
No Device Tracking Vendor MACS Found 未找到設備跟踪供應商MACS


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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10 months ago
Source string age
10 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 319