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English Chinese (Traditional)
Should the import process be allowed to overwrite existing data? Please note, this does not mean delete old row, only replace duplicate rows. 是否允許導入過程覆蓋現有數據?請注意,這並不意味著刪除舊行,只替換重複行。
Allow Existing Rows to be Updated? 允許更新現有行?
Required File Format Notes 所需的文件格式說明
The file must contain a header row with the following column headings. 該文件必須包含帶有以下列標題的標題行。
- A common name for the device. For example Cisco 6509 Switch - 設備的通用名稱。例如Cisco 6509交換機
- The vendor who produces this device - 生產此設備的供應商
- The type of device this is. See the notes below for this integer value - 這是設備的類型。有關此整數值,請參閱下面的註釋
- A unique set of characters from the snmp sysDescr that uniquely identify this device - 來自snmp sysDescr的唯一一組字符,用於唯一標識此設備
- The vendor specific snmp sysObjectID that distinguishes this device from the next - 供應商特定的snmp sysObjectID,用於區分此設備與下一個設備
- The scanning function that will be used to scan this device type - 用於掃描此設備類型的掃描功能
- The IP scanning function that will be used to scan this device type - 用於掃描此設備類型的IP掃描功能
- The 802.1x scanning function that will be used to scan this device type - 將用於掃描此設備類型的802.1x掃描功能
- If the Serial Number for this device type can be obtained via an SNMP Query, add it's OID here - 如果可以通過SNMP查詢獲取此設備類型的序列號,請在此處添加它的OID
- If your scanning function does not have the ability to isolate trunk ports or link ports, this is the starting port number for user ports - 如果您的掃描功能無法隔離中繼端口或鏈路端口,則這是用戶端口的起始端口號
- Same as the lowPort with the exception that this is the high numbered user port number - 與lowPort相同,但這是高編號的用戶端口號
- Disabled type is not used -未使用停用類型
The primary key for this table is a combination of the following three fields: 此表的主鍵是以下三個字段的組合:
Therefore, if you attempt to import duplicate device types, the existing data will be updated with the new information. 因此,如果您嘗試導入重複的設備類型,將使用新信息更新現有數據。
is an integer field and must be one of the following: 是整數字段,必須是以下之一:
1 - Switch/Hub 1 - 交換機/集線器
2 - Switch/Router 2 - 交換機/路由器
3 - Router 3 - 路由器
The devices device type is determined by scanning it's snmp agent for the sysObjectID and sysDescription and comparing it against values in the device types database. The first match that is found in the database is used direct Device Tracking as to how to scan it. Therefore, it is very important that you select valid sysObjectID_match, sysDescr_match, and scanning function for your devices. 設備設備類型是通過掃描它的snmp代理來確定sysObjectID和sysDescription並將其與設備類型數據庫中的值進行比較來確定的。在數據庫中找到的第一個匹配項使用直接設備跟踪來了解如何掃描它。因此,為設備選擇有效的sysObjectID_match,sysDescr_match和掃描功能非常重要。
Switch/Hub 交換機/集線器
Switch/Router 交換機/路由器
Router 路由器
HEADER LINE PROCESSED OK: <br>Columns found where: %s 標題行處理正常:<br>找到列,其中: %s
HEADER LINE PROCESSING ERROR: Missing required field <br>Columns found where: %s 標題行處理錯誤:找不到必填欄位欄<br>位,其中: %s
Unknown Assume "Switch/Hub" 未知假設“Switch / Hub”
INSERT SUCCEEDED: Vendor: %s, Description: %s, Type: %s, sysDescr: %s, sysObjectID: %s 插入成功:供應商: %s ,描述: %s ,類型: %s , sysDescr : %s , sysObjectID : %s
INSERT FAILED: Vendor: %s, Description: %s, Type: %s, sysDescr: %s, sysObjectID: %s 插入失敗:供應商: %s ,描述: %s ,類型: %s , sysDescr : %s , sysObjectID : %s


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Things to check

Starting spaces

Source and translation do not both start with same number of spaces

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 106