
English Hindi
Rescan Device रेसकान डिवाइस
View Non Interface Graphs अंतर देखें
No Non Interface Graphs in Cacti कैक्टि में कोई गैर इंटरफ़ेस ग्राफ़ नहीं
View Interface Graphs अंतर देखें
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Since Restart रिस्टार्ट के बाद से
Down नीचे
Up ऊपर
Data डाटा
Voice आवाज़
Device Rescan '%s' डिवाइस Rescan ' %s'
Site scan '%s' साइट स्कैन ' %s'
Device Enable '%s' डिवाइस सक्षम ' %s'
Device Disable '%d' डिवाइस अक्षम '% d'
N/A लागू नहीं
%d Minutes % d मिनट
%d Hours % d घंटे
%d Days %d दिन
%d Weeks %d सप्ताह
Not Recorded दर्ज नहीं है
Status: Running, Processes: %d, Progress: %s, LastRuntime: %2.1f स्थिति: चल रहा है, प्रक्रियाएँ:% d, प्रगति: %s, अंतिम समय:% f
Status: Idle, LastRuntime: %2.1f seconds, Processes: %d processes, Devices: %d, Next Run Time: %s स्थिति: निष्क्रिय, अंतिम समय:% f सेकंड, प्रक्रियाएँ:% d प्रक्रियाएँ, उपकरण:% d, अगला रन समय: %s
Disabled अक्षम
Scanning Rate: Every %s स्कैनिंग दर: हर %s
View Interfaces अंतर देखें
Not Detected पता नहीं लगा
Sites साइटां
Devices डिवाइस
IP Ranges आईपी रेंज
IP Address IP सिरनामा
MAC Address मैक पते
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/mactrack
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/hmib
Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
Propagated Translated Cacti/syslog % d मिनट
Needs editing Cacti/intropage
Needs editing Cacti/webseer
Needs editing Cacti/core
Translated Cacti/flowview
Propagated Needs editing Cacti/mikrotik
Needs editing Cacti/wmi
Propagated Translated Cacti/thold
Translated Cacti/gexport % d मिनट
Propagated Translated Cacti/reportit % d मिनट
The following strings have different sources, but the same context.
Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
Needs editing Cacti/core


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

PHP format

Following format strings are missing: %d
Following format strings are extra: % d



English Hindi
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
lib/mactrack_functions.php:3087 setup.php:881
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/hi-IN.po, string 35