Source string Source string

Specify the number of minutes a device scanning function will be allowed to run prior to the system assuming it has been completed. This setting will correct for abended scanning jobs.
Start Time for Data Collection
When would you like the first data collection to take place. All future data collection times will be based upon this start time. A good example would be 12:00AM.
Database Maintenance Time
When should old database records be removed from the database. Please note that no access will be permitted to the port database while this action is taking place.
Confirm Utilities Prompt
When using utilities, prompt for verification
Data Retention
How long should port MAC details be retained in the database.
Data Retention IPs
How long should discovered IPs details be retained in the database.
Switch Level Ignore Ports Delimiter
What delimiter should Device Tracking use when parsing the Ignore Ports string for each switch.
Auto Detect
Colon [:]
Pipe [|]
Space [ ]
Mac Address Delimiter
How should each octet of the MAC address be delimited.
Dash [-]
Ports to Ignore
Provide a regular expression of ifNames or ifDescriptions of ports to ignore in the interface list. For example, (Vlan|Loopback|Null).
Bandwidth Usage Threshold
When reviewing network interface statistics, what bandwidth threshold do you want to view by default.
%d Percent
DNS Settings
Perform Reverse DNS Name Resolution
Should Device Tracking perform reverse DNS lookup of the IP addresses associated with ports. CAUTION: If DNS is not properly setup, this will slow scan time significantly.
Primary DNS IP Address
Enter the primary DNS IP Address to utilize for reverse lookups.
Secondary DNS IP Address


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

Multiple failing checks

Following checks are failing:
Unchanged translation: Spanish, Dutch



English English
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/cacti.pot, string 478