Source string Source string

Please enter the DNS timeout in milliseconds. Device Tracking uses a PHP based DNS resolver.
DNS Prime Interval
How often, in seconds do Device Tracking scanning IP's need to be resolved to MAC addresses for DNS resolution. Using a larger number when you have several thousand devices will increase performance.
Notification Settings
Source Address
The source Email address for Device Tracking Emails.
Source Email Name
The Source Email name for Device Tracking Emails.
MACTrack Administrator
MacWatch Default Body
The Email body preset for Device Tracking MacWatch Emails. The body can contain any valid html tags. It also supports replacement tags that will be processed when sending an Email. Valid tags include <IP>, <MAC>, <TICKET>, <SITENAME>, <DEVICEIP>, <PORTNAME>, <PORTNUMBER>, <DEVICENAME>.
Mac Address <MAC> found at IP Address <IP> for Ticket Number: <TICKET>.<br>The device is located at<br>Site: <SITENAME>, Device <DEVICENAME>, IP <DEVICEIP>, Port <PORTNUMBER>, and Port Name <PORTNAME>
MacAuth Report Email Addresses
A comma delimited list of users to receive the MacAuth Email notifications.
MacAuth Report Frequency
How often will the MacAuth Reports be Emailed.
Device Tracking ArpWatch Settings
Enable ArpWatch
Should Device Tracking also use ArpWatch data to supplement Mac to IP/DNS resolution?
ArpWatch Database Path
The location of the ArpWatch Database file on the Cacti server.
SNMP Presets
Update Policy for SNMP Options
Policy for synchronization of SNMP Options between Cacti devices and Device Tracking Devices.
Default SNMP version for all new hosts.
Default SNMP read community for all new hosts.
Fill in the list of available SNMP read strings to test for this device. Each read string must be separated by a colon ':'. These read strings will be tested sequentially if the primary read string is invalid.
The UDP/TCP Port to poll the SNMP agent on.
Default SNMP timeout in milli-seconds.
The number times the SNMP poller will attempt to reach the host before failing.


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

Multiple failing checks

Following checks are failing:
Mismatched question mark: French, Korean
Mismatched full stop: French, Korean



English English
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/cacti.pot, string 511