
English Chinese (Traditional)
Select prepared panels from the "Panels menu". Panel can be grayed out. It is due to permissions, ask administrator 從「面板功能表」中選擇準備好的面板。面板可以灰顯。這是由於許可權,請詢問管理員
Add any Cacti Graph, use icon 添加任何仙人掌圖,使用圖示
You can create own panels. More info in file <cacti_install_dir>/plugins/intropage/panellib/ 您可以建立自己的面板。更多資訊請參見檔 <cacti_install_dir>/plugins/intropage/panellib/
You can share dashboards to other users: 您可以將儀表板共用給其他使用者:
use "Share this dashboard" option in Actions menu - Every user can use it as template. 使用「操作」功能表中的「共用此儀錶板」選項 - 每個使用者都可以將其用作範本。
You can use shared dashboard using the Actions menu: 您可以使用「操作」功能表使用共享儀錶板:
Use "Use shared dashboard (user/dashboard name) - It prepares the same dashboard like shared but with your permissions. 使用“使用共用儀錶板(使用者/儀錶板名稱)”- 它準備與共用儀錶板相同的儀錶板,但具有您的許可權。
Customization: CPU利用率
You can create up to 9 dashboards. Every dashboard can be named, use icon 您最多可以建立 9 個儀錶板。每個儀錶板都可以命名,使用圖示
Intopage can be displayed in console or in separated tab. You can change it in Action menu Intopage 可以顯示在控制台中或單獨的選項卡中。您可以在操作選單中更改它
If you want to copy text from panel, you have to disable drag and drop function, use icon 如果要從面板複製文本,則必須禁用拖放功能,使用圖示
Panel Details 顯示詳細資料
Disable panel move/Enable copy text from panel 禁用面板移動/從面板啟用複製文本
Enable panel move/Disable copy text from panel 啟用面板移動/禁用面板中的複製文本
Show red/yellow/green square notifications 顯示紅色/黃色/綠色方塊通知
Error reading new data 讀取新數據時出錯
Close 關閉
Dashboard has been removed 儀表板已被刪除
New Dashboard 新增儀表板
Dashboard has been added 儀表板已添加
Cannot add zoomed or custom timespaned graph, changing timespan to Last half hour 無法添加縮放或自定義時間跨度圖,將時間跨度更改為過去半小時
Intropage Panel Library Refreshed from Panel Library 從面板庫刷新的 Intropage 面板庫
Dashboard has been added, please wait few poller cycle for data 已添加儀錶板,請等待幾個輪詢週期以獲取數據
Error - trying share non-shared dashboard 錯誤 - 嘗試共用非共享儀錶板
The Panel includes a render function but it does not exist. 面板包含一個渲染功能,但它不存在。
The Panel does not have a render function. 面板沒有渲染功能。
Not Found 未找到
Panel not found 未找到面板
Details Function does not exist. 詳細信息 函數不存在。
Panel Not Found 未找到面板
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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
10 months ago
Source string age
10 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 54