
English Chinese (Traditional)
Default 預設
Go 送出
Set/Refresh Filters 設置/刷新過濾器
Clear 清除
Clear Filters 清除過濾器
Purge 清除
Purge the DNS Cache 清除 DNS 快取
Not Specified 未指定外掛
No Matching Entries Found 未找到匹配的條目
Click 'Continue' to delete the following DNS Cache Entriy. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下計劃。
Cancel 取消
Continue 繼續
Delete DNS Entry 刪除DNS條目
Flowview DNS Cache Entries FlowView計劃
Verified 已驗證
Unverified 未驗證
This is the IP Address of the Cache entry. 這是緩存條目的IP位址。
DNS Hostname DNS 主機名
The DNS Name assigned to the IP Address. 分配給IP位址的 DNS 名稱。
The source of the DNS Hostname. It can either be DNS, Static Lookup or ARIN. DNS 主機名的來源。 它可以是 DNS、靜態查找或 ARIN。
Arin Verified Arin 已核實
The Arin information for this IP Address is verified, or it's a Local Domain IP Address. 此IP位址的Arin資訊已驗證,或者它是本地域IP位址。
The Arin primary key. This is not official Arin information. Arin 主鍵。 這不是 Arin 的官方資訊。
Autonomous System ID 自治系統ID
The Arin Origin AS. This is official Arin AS information. Arin 起源 AS。 這是 Arin AS 的官方資訊。
Updated Time 更新時間
This is the time that the DNS cache was entered or last updated. 這是輸入或上次更新 DNS 快取的時間。
No DNS Cache Entries Found 未找到 DNS 快取項目
Flowview Internet Routes FlowView監聽器
IP Version IP 版本


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
8 months ago
Source string age
8 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 272