
English Chinese (Simplified)
The Flow Template ID for v9 and IPFIX Flows only. Note that Template ID's may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. 仅限 v9 和 IPFIX 流的流模板 ID。 请注意,模板 ID 可能因制造商而异。
Stream Address IP地址
The Stream IP Address or Hostname from the list of registered streams. 已注册流列表中的流 IP 地址或主机名。
Presets 预置
If this Filter is based upon a pre-defined Timespan, select it here. 如果此过滤器基于预定义的时间跨度,请在此处选择它。
Detailed Filter Criteria 详细的过滤条件
Report Type 报告类型
The Report Type to use by default for this Filter when creating a Report. 创建报告时默认用于此筛选器的报告类型。
Printed 打印
Statistical 统计:
Statistical Report 选择一个统计报告
The Display Report Type to use by default for this Filter when creating a Report. 创建报告时默认用于此筛选器的显示报告类型。
Printed Report 您只能选择一份统计报告或一份打印报告(不是两种)!
The Printed Report Type to use by default for this Filter when creating a Printed Report. 创建打印报告时默认用于此筛选器的打印报告类型。
Range Rules 管理时间表
Constrain the Filter Data by these time filter rules. 通过这些时间过滤器规则约束过滤器数据。
Resolve IP's 解析地址:
Resolve IP Addresses to Domain Names. 解析地址:
Sort Field 排序字段:
The default Sort Field for the Filter. This setting will be applied for any Scheduled Reports. 过滤器的默认排序字段。此设置将应用于所有计划的报告。
Maximum Rows 最大行数
The Maximum Rows to provide in the Filter. This setting will be applied for any Scheduled Reports. 过滤器中要提供的最大行数。此设置将应用于所有计划的报告。
Minimum Bytes 最小字节数:
The Minimum Total Bytes to consider for the Filter. Any flow totals that are less than this many bytes will be ignored. 过滤器要考虑的最小总字节数。小于此字节总数的任何流总数将被忽略。
Charting Options 图表选项
Graph Type 图形类型
The Graph Type to display by default. They include Bar, Pie, and Treemap. 默认情况下要显示的图形类型。 它们包括 Bar、Pie 和 Treemap。
Bar Chart 条形图
Pie Chart 饼图


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English Chinese (Simplified)
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String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 88