
English French
Table Tableau
Save Flow Filter Ajouter un filtre
New Name Nom du champ
Delete Flow Filter Imprimer les rapports
To Delete this Flow Filter, press Continue. If the Flow Filter is in use in a Scheduled Report, the operation will be blocked.
Top %s Distribution Chart of Bytes Tableau de répartition des %s principaux octets
Top %s Pie Chart of Bytes Top %s graphique circulaire des octets
Top %s Treemap Chart of Bytes Top %s Treemap Chart of Bytes
Top %s Distribution Chart of Packets Tableau de distribution des %s principaux paquets
Top %s Pie Chart of Packets Top %s graphique circulaire des paquets
Top %s Treemap Chart of Packets Top %s Treemap Chart of Packets
Top %s Distribution Chart of Flows Graphique de distribution des flux des %s
Top %s Pie Chart of Flows Top %s graphique circulaire des flux
Top %s Treemap Chart of Flows Top %s Treemap Graphique des flux
Rename Layout
Filter Settings Saved Paramètres du filtre enregistrés
Client/Private (%s) Client / Privé (%s)
icmp (0) icmp (0)
Unknown (%s) Inconnu (%s)
Cacti Flowview Cacti Flowview
Netflow - %s Netflow - %s
Subnet Filter: %s is not a value CIDR format Filtre de sous-réseau: %s n'est pas un format CIDR de valeur
unresolved non résolu
%d - %d Bytes %d - %d octets
> %d Bytes > %d octets
Source DNS Script/source utilisé pour collecter les données de cette source de donnée.
Source Root DNS Script/source utilisé pour collecter les données de cette source de donnée.
Dest DNS Dest AS
Dest Root DNS Port de destination
Root DNS DNS racine
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/flowview
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English French
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 weeks ago
Source string age
3 weeks ago
Translation file
locales/po/fr-FR.po, string 322