
English Chinese (Traditional)
Disable RRDtool Watermark RRDtool圖形水印
Provided your RRDtool version supports it, you may disable RRDtool advertisement on your Graphs by checking this option. 如果您的 RRDtool 版本支持它,您可以通過選中此選項禁用圖形上的 RRDtool 廣告。
Font Selection Method 字體選擇方法
How do you wish fonts to be handled by default? 您希望默認情況下如何處理字體?
System 取得系統報表
Default Font 預設字型
When not using Theme based font control, the Pangon font-config font name to use for all Graphs. Optionally, you may leave blank and control font settings on a per object basis. 不使用基於主題的字體控件時,Pangon font-config字體名稱用於所有圖形。 (可選)您可以基於每個對象留空和控製字體設置。
Enter Valid Font Config Value 輸入有效字體配置值
Title Font Size 標題字體大小
The size of the font used for Graph Titles Graph Titles使用的字體大小
Title Font Setting 標題字體設置
The font to use for Graph Titles. Enter either a valid True Type Font file or valid Pango font-config value. 用於圖表標題的字體。輸入有效的True Type字體文件或有效的Pango font-config值。
Legend Font Size 圖例字體大小
The size of the font used for Graph Legend items Graph Legend項目使用的字體大小
Legend Font Setting 圖例字體設置
The font to use for Graph Legends. Enter either a valid True Type Font file or valid Pango font-config value. Graph Legends使用的字體。輸入有效的True Type字體文件或有效的Pango font-config值。
Axis Font Size 軸字體大小
The size of the font used for Graph Axis 用於Graph Axis的字體大小
Axis Font Setting 軸字體設置
The font to use for Graph Axis items. Enter either a valid True Type Font file or valid Pango font-config value. 用於Graph Axis項目的字體。輸入有效的True Type字體文件或有效的Pango font-config值。
Unit Font Size 單位字體大小
The size of the font used for Graph Units 圖形單位使用的字體大小
Unit Font Setting 單位字體設置
The font to use for Graph Unit items. Enter either a valid True Type Font file or valid Pango font-config value. 用於圖表單元項的字體。輸入有效的True Type字體文件或有效的Pango font-config值。
Business Hours Settings 使用者設定
Start of Business Day
The time your business hours start. Format: hh:mm
End of Business Day
The time your business hours end. Format: hh:mm
Hide Weekends %d週
Only show business hours during weekdays.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 2748