
English Chinese (Traditional)
The original author of this Device Template. 這棵樹的原作者。
Author Email 作者
The original author's Email address. 這棵樹的原作者。
A the author's desired copyright for this Device Template. 此設備模板的名稱。
Installation Instructions 安裝選項:
Brief installation instructions provided by the Device Template author.
A name for this data query. 此數據查詢的名稱。
A description for this data query. 此數據查詢的說明。
XML Path XML路徑
The full path to the XML file containing definitions for this data query. 包含此數據查詢定義的XML文件的完整路徑。
Choose the input method for this Data Query. This input method defines how data is collected for each Device associated with the Data Query. 選擇此數據查詢的輸入方法。此輸入方法定義如何為與數據查詢關聯的每個設備收集數據。
Choose the Graph Template to use for this Data Query Graph Template item. 選擇要用於此數據查詢圖表模板項的圖表模板。
A name for this associated graph. 此關聯圖的名稱。
A useful name for this graph tree. 此圖樹的有用名稱。
Sorting Type 排序類型
Choose how items in this tree will be sorted. 選擇如何對此樹中的項目進行排序。
Publish 發佈
Should this Tree be published for users to access? 是否應發布此樹供用戶訪問?
An Email Address where the User can be reached. 可以聯繫到用戶的電子郵件地址。
Enter the password for this user twice. Remember that passwords are case sensitive! 輸入該用戶的密碼兩次。請記住,密碼區分大小寫!
Determines if user is able to login. 確定用戶是否能夠登錄。
Locked 已上鎖
Determines if the user account is locked. 確定用戶帳戶是否已鎖定。
Account Options 賬戶選項
Set any user account specific options here. 在此處設置任何用戶帳戶特定選項。
Must Change Password at Next Login 必須在下次登錄時更改密碼
Maintain Custom Graph and User Settings 維護自定義圖表和用戶設置
Graph Options 圖表選項
Set any graph specific options here. 在此處設置任何圖表特定選項。
User Has Rights to Tree View 用戶有樹視圖的權限
User Has Rights to List View 用戶有權列出視圖
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 2344