
English Chinese (Traditional)
Force Serial Automation Scans
When enabled, Cacti Automation will scan one network at a time not in Parallel. This setting can be useful when your Cacti Web Servers have limited cores for performing Automation checks.
Enable Automatic Graph Creation 啟用自動圖表創建
When disabled, Cacti Automation will not actively create any Graph. This is useful when adjusting Device settings so as to avoid creating new Graphs each time you save an object. Invoking Automation Rules manually will still be possible. 禁用時,Cacti Automation不會主動創建任何圖表。這在調整設備設置時非常有用,以避免每次保存對象時都創建新的圖形。仍然可以手動調用自動化規則。
Enable Automatic Tree Item Creation 啟用自動樹項目創建
When disabled, Cacti Automation will not actively create any Tree Item. This is useful when adjusting Device or Graph settings so as to avoid creating new Tree Entries each time you save an object. Invoking Rules manually will still be possible. 禁用時,Cacti Automation不會主動創建任何樹項。在調整“設備”或“圖形”設置時,這非常有用,以避免每次保存對象時都創建新的樹條目。仍然可以手動調用規則。
Automation Notification To Email 電子郵件的自動化通知
The Email Address to send Automation Notification Emails to if not specified at the Automation Network level. If either this field, or the Automation Network value are left blank, Cacti will use the Primary Cacti Admins Email account. 如果未在自動化網絡級別指定,則發送自動化通知電子郵件的電子郵件地址。如果此字段或自動化網絡值保留為空,Cacti將使用Primary Cacti Admins Email帳戶。
Automation Notification From Name 名稱的自動化通知
The Email Name to use for Automation Notification Emails to if not specified at the Automation Network level. If either this field, or the Automation Network value are left blank, Cacti will use the system default From Name. 如果未在自動化網絡級別指定,則用於自動化通知的電子郵件名稱將發送電子郵件。如果此字段或自動化網絡值保留為空,Cacti將使用系統默認的“從名稱”。
Automation Notification From Email 電子郵件中的自動化通知
The Email Address to use for Automation Notification Emails to if not specified at the Automation Network level. If either this field, or the Automation Network value are left blank, Cacti will use the system default From Email Address. 如果未在自動化網絡級別指定,則用於自動化通知的電子郵件地址將發送電子郵件。如果此字段或自動化網絡值保留為空,Cacti將使用系統默認的“來自電子郵件地址”。
Graph Template Defaults 基於圖表模板
Graph Template Test Data Source 圖,數據源
Check this checkbox if you wish to test the Data Sources prior to their creation for new and newly imported Graph Templates. With Test Data Sources enabled, if the Data Source does not return valid data, the Graph will not be created. This setting is important if you wish to have a more generic Device Template that can include more Graph Templates that can be selectively applied depending on the characteristics of the Device itself. Note: If you have a long running script as a Data Source, the time to create Graphs will be increased. 如果您希望在創建新的和新導入的圖形模板之前測試數據源,請選中此復選框。啟用測試數據源後,如果數據源未返回有效數據,則不會創建圖表。如果您希望擁有一個更通用的設備模板,該模板可以包含更多可以根據設備本身的特性有選擇地應用的圖形模板,則此設置很重要。注意:如果你有一個長時間運行的腳本作為數據源,創建圖表的時間將會增加。
The default Image Format to be used for all new Graph Templates. 用於所有新圖表模板的默認圖像格式。
The default Graph Height to be used for all new Graph Templates. 所有新圖表模板使用的默認圖表寬度。
The default Graph Width to be used for all new Graph Templates. 所有新圖表模板使用的默認圖表寬度。
General Defaults 一般默認值
The default Device Template used on all new Devices. 所有新設備上使用的默認設備模板。
The default Site for all new Devices. 所有新設備的默認站點。
The default Poller for all new Devices. 所有新設備的默認輪詢器。
Device Threads 設備線程
The default number of Device Threads. This is only applicable when using the Spine Data Collector. 設備線程的默認數量。這僅適用於使用Spine Data Collector時。
%s Thread %d線程
%s Threads %d個主題
Re-index Method for Data Queries 數據查詢的重新索引方法
The default Re-index Method to use for all Data Queries. 用於所有數據查詢的默認重新索引方法。
Default Interface Speed 默認圖表類型
If Cacti can not determine the interface speed due to either ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed not being set or being zero, what maximum value do you wish on the resulting RRDfiles. 如果Cacti無法確定由於ifSpeed或ifHighSpeed未設置或為零而導致的接口速度,那麼您希望在生成的RRDfiles上獲得什麼最大值。
100 Mbps Ethernet 100 Mbps以太網
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 2623